i have a basic udp program i'm unable to print out the payload. I'm not sure exactly why and was wondering if a new perspective would be able to help out. When the program runs the client sends and the server says its receiving but i can't print out the payload. any help would be appreciated as i'm sure it something suttle.
forgive the barrage of code, but truthfully nothing complicated in it, thanks.
Client code:
/*xrtp.c basic xrtp functions*/
#include <xrtp\xrtp.h>
#include <winsock.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int xrtp_init(xrtp_packet_t* packet,char *ipaddy,int port){
/*clean out junk from the packet*/  
memset(&packet,'\0', sizeof packet);

/*initialize WinSock libraie(s) v2.2*/
WSADATA start;
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2),&start) !=0){
printf("WinSock API not initalized");
fflush(stdout); getchar();
return -1;

/*create sockets for sending data to destination*/
if ((xrtp_sendSocket=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP))==INVALID_SOCKET){
       printf("unable to create sending socket");fflush(stdout);
       getchar(); return -1; }

if ((xrtp_recvSocket=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP))==INVALID_SOCKET){
       printf("unable to create sending socket");fflush(stdout);
       getchar(); return -1; }
/* you can xrtp_init(0,0) and it'll default to local host: 4050 for testing*/;    
if ( ipaddy == '\0') ipaddy = "";
if ( port == 0) port = 4950;

/*capture the destination ip address to send to*/   
xrtp_destStruct.sin_family = AF_INET;
xrtp_destStruct.sin_port = htons(port);
xrtp_destStruct.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ipaddy);

/*let them know we here*/
printf("XRTP client initialized on win32\n");
return 0;
}/*end of xrtp_init()*/

/*assign rtp header info for the session*/
size_t xrtp_header_init(xrtp_packet_t *rtp_packet){
rtp_packet->Header.v=htons(2);/*version 2*/
rtp_packet->Header.p=htons(0);/*no additional padding @ end of payload*/
rtp_packet->Header.x=htons(0);/*payload type not followed by header extension*/
rtp_packet->Header.cc=htons(0);/*no contributing sources for now*/
rtp_packet->Header.m=htons(1);/* = 1 to indicate 1 frame of speex payload*/
rtp_packet->Header.pt=htons(97);/*payload type is dynamic given by SDP*/
rtp_packet->Header.sn=htons(345);/*sequence number has to increment in callback*/
rtp_packet->Header.ts=htons(1230);/*time stamp to be incremented in callback = speex sample rate */
rtp_packet->Header.ssrc=htons(0);/*no syncronization sources*/
rtp_packet->Header.csrc=htons(0);/*no contirbuting sources*/
return sizeof(rtp_packet->Header); 

size_t xrtp_marshall(xrtp_packet_t *packet,char *msg,size_t msg_len){
/*serialiizes data from msg buffer xrtp_payload just to be sure or strncpy*/
size_t msg_ndx,bytes_copied=0;

 packet->payload[msg_ndx]= msg[msg_ndx];
/*if we count how many bytes may not need to delimit*/
return bytes_copied;
size_t send_xrtp_packet(xrtp_packet_t xrtppacket,size_t packet_len){
/*pack the packet and send to its destination*/
size_t bytes_sent = sendto(xrtp_sendSocket,(void*)&xrtppacket,packet_len,0,
(struct sockaddr*)&xrtp_destStruct, sizeof (xrtp_destStruct) );
/*comment out in production code: need acurate way to measure payload size*/
printf("sending %d bytes to %s to port %d\n", bytes_sent,
return bytes_sent;

size_t recv_xrtp_packet(xrtp_packet_t xrtpbuf,size_t b_len){
/*recv needs a pointer to the size of the reciving struct*/
size_t sender_s = sizeof (xrtp_recvStruct);
/*get the packet put it to the xrtp buffer we have for it*/
size_t bytes_recv=recvfrom(xrtp_recvSocket,(void*)&xrtpbuf,b_len,
0,(struct sockaddr*)&xrtp_recvStruct, &sender_s);
/*print statement saying how many bytes recv and from where*/
return bytes_recv;

int xrtp_destroy(){
/*are these still in the same namespace? should be we'll see log to file*/
WSACleanup(); getchar();
return 0;
server code:
/* basic functions for the xrtp server_t that receives packetts*/
#include <xrtp\xrtp_server.h>/*which also calls xrtp.h*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock.h>

int xrtp_server_init(xrtp_packet_t* buffer,int port_num){
/*clean out garbege in buffer*/
memset(&buffer,'\0',sizeof buffer);

/*initialize socket api and check to make sure version correct*/ 
/*all these returns should be enumerated to mean something and logged*/   
WSADATA info; 
if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &info) != 0){
perror("Socket Startup:"); getchar();return -1; 
/*get host ip so can use for server ip for now*/
memset(&xrtp_ServerhostInfo,0,sizeof (xrtp_ServerhostInfo) );
char host[BUFSIZ];
gethostname(host,BUFSIZ);//GET COMP NAME
xrtp_ServerhostInfo = gethostbyname(host);//ERROR CHECK IN PROD CODE-GET IP
/*zero out address structure if anything was still left there*/
memset(&xrtp_serverRecvStruct,0,sizeof(xrtp_serverRecvStruct) );
xrtp_serverRecvStruct.sin_family = AF_INET;
xrtp_serverRecvStruct.sin_port = htons(port_num);
memset(xrtp_serverRecvStruct.sin_zero, '\0', sizeof(xrtp_serverRecvStruct.sin_zero));
 /*create a socket for binding and sending back to xrtp client*/
if ((xrtp_serverSocket = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM,IPPROTO_UDP))==INVALID_SOCKET){
perror("socket"); return INVALID_SOCKET; }
/*bind the socket to the local address so now a server*/
if (bind(xrtp_serverSocket, (struct sockaddr *)&xrtp_serverRecvStruct, 
sizeof (xrtp_serverRecvStruct) ) == SOCKET_ERROR){
perror("bind"); return SOCKET_ERROR; }
/*broadcast server ip*/
printf("xrtp_server @ %s on port %d\n",inet_ntoa(xrtp_serverRecvStruct.sin_addr),
return 0;
}/*end of initializing the server*/

/*recive the data from the client-how to know how much to recieve*/
size_t xrtp_server_recv_to(xrtp_packet_t recvBuffer,size_t b_len){
/*recv needs a pointer to the size of the reciving struct or internet struct*/
size_t sendersIpstruct_s = sizeof (xrtp_sendersIpstruct);
/*get the packet put it to the xrtp buffer we have for it and store senders IP*/
size_t sender_bytes_recv=recvfrom(xrtp_serverSocket,(void*)&recvBuffer,b_len,
/*now store senders unique ip in the recv struct we have for him*/
0,(struct sockaddr*)&xrtp_sendersIpstruct, &sendersIpstruct_s);
/*comment out later in production code*/
printf("recieving: %d bytes from %s\n",
return sender_bytes_recv;
/*converts packet header to hostbyte order*/
size_t xrtp_header_convert(xrtp_packet_t *rtp_packet){
rtp_packet->Header.v=ntohs(2);/*version 2*/
rtp_packet->Header.p=ntohs(0);/*no additional padding @ end of payload*/
rtp_packet->Header.x=ntohs(0);/*payload type not followed by header extension*/
rtp_packet->Header.cc=ntohs(0);/*no contributing sources for now*/
rtp_packet->Header.m=ntohs(1);/* = 1 to indicate 1 frame of speex payload*/
rtp_packet->Header.pt=ntohs(97);/*payload type is dynamic given by SDP*/
rtp_packet->Header.sn=ntohs(125);/*sequence number has to increment in callback*/
rtp_packet->Header.ts=ntohs(1230);/*time stamp to be incremented in callback = speex sample rate */
rtp_packet->Header.ssrc=ntohs(0);/*no syncronization sources*/
rtp_packet->Header.csrc=ntohs(0);/*no contirbuting sources*/ 

/*just clean up the servers mess not the client obvioulsy*/
void xrtp_server_destroy(){
/*comment out in produxtion code*/
printf("ENTER TO EXIT"); getchar();
how the server is called:
/*simple datagram server*/
#include <xrtp/xrtp.h>
#define MYPORT 4950

int main(void){
/*i'm thinking not recieving has something to do with the same xrtp_packet_t?*/
    xrtp_packet_t buff;

    xrtp_server_recv_to(buff,32 );
/*prints out only garbege: we cleaned out the buffer in initialiazton so...
and converted the header so we should be able to just print them out...*/
    /*never reached*/