Can some one give me some hints in how to solve this program. How can i communicate with the server? If you have anylinks or refence that will be helpfull feel free to tell me.

Thanks for your help it will be appreciate it!

The Client will randomly generate some text and send it to the Server
the Server will then echo the text to all Clients including the name of 
the Client sending the message. This will then be displayed by each of 
the Clients that are attached to the Server.
Server should continuously loop and accept messages from Clients
and then echo them. Each client gets a unique name which will be passed to
the server at the time when the connection is established.

Run one server and ten clients for at least 100 distinct messages from all clients.

Typical output may look like:
Client1 sends: abba
Client3 receives: From Client1: abba
Client4 receives: From Client1: abba

or... if you wish...
Client1 sends: abba
Client3 receives: Client1> abba
Client4 receives: Client1> abba

(remember that more than one message may pile up on one client; therefore, you need
to allow a queue for each client... similarily, for the server)