Just some notes first.

Sharp Develop,
.NET 1.1,
Managed DirectX.

Info, Well what i am trying to do is simple in nature, have a client -> server communication system. Where numerous clients connect to one server and simply share data both ways. Creating the ability to run various things, but the end goal is a MMO Simplistic game. But for starters a simple chat.

To my knowledge .NET has some chat app but without a heavy understanding of it, it does me absolutely no good.

Question 1.)
To have a SECURE (as in no hacks to the server or its clients), how could this be done? I know nothing about the topic so i have yet to google it because, as said, i know so little i don't know what i need to research. So even pointers on what to look for so i can find tutorials and whatnot would be awesome.

Question 2.)
How hard is it to make all that secure? I would be running the "server" off of my personal computer and i am not a programming expert so i don't know if it would be extremely hard to make a secure & safe connection or not..

Thanks to any replies, Anything of concept help and terms to look up is awesome, also get as technical as you want.. i just may not immediately understand it...

Thanks again!