I'm not sure this will be useful as it is a vbscript rather than C/C++. However, it does exactly what you want. It copies a selected file to the remote computer, executes a command line and returns the result. Copy the code to a text file and name it StartRemote.vbs.
'/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */'
Sub PrepareRemote(szComputer, szFile, szCmdLine)

	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	szRemotePath = "\\" & szComputer & "\c$\___temp___\" 

	If (Not fso.FolderExists(szRemotePath)) Then
		Set f = fso.CreateFolder(szRemotePath)
		f.Attributes = f.Attributes Or 2 Or 4 'Hidden and System
	End If

	If (szFile <> "" And _
	    Not fso.FileExists(szRemotePath & fso.GetFileName(szFile))) Then
		  fso.CopyFile szFile, szRemotePath & fso.GetFileName(szFile)
	End If

	Set strm = fso.CreateTextFile(szRemotePath & "run.bat", True)

	strm.WriteLine "CALL " & szCmdLine

	strm.WriteLine "ECHO %ERRORLEVEL% > C:\___temp___\result.txt"

End Sub

'/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */'
Function ReadResult(szComputer, bCleanup)

	Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

	szRemotePath = "\\" & szComputer & "\c$\___temp___"

	Set strm = fso.OpenTextFile(szRemotePath & "\result.txt")

	ReadResult = strm.ReadAll()


	If (bCleanup) Then fso.DeleteFolder(szRemotePath)
End Function

'/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */'
Function StartProcess(szComputer, szCmdLine)

	szWmiStr = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
	              szComputer & "\root\cimv2"

	szWmiStr = szWmiStr & ":Win32_Process"

	Set wmiProcess = GetObject(szWmiStr)

	nResult = wmiProcess.Create(szCmdLine,,,pid)

	If (nResult <> 0) Then
		Err.Raise nResult, "Win32_Process::Create", _
		          "Failed to create remote process."
	End If

	StartProcess = pid
End Function

'/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */'
Sub WaitForTermination(szComputer, pid)

	szWmiStr = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & _
	              szComputer & "\root\cimv2"
	Set wmiSvc = GetObject(szWmiStr)

	Set wmiEventSrc = wmiSvc.ExecNotificationQuery( _
	           "SELECT * FROM __InstanceDeletionEvent WITHIN 1 " & _
	           "WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process' AND "   & _
	           "TargetInstance.ProcessId=" & pid)

End Sub

'/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */'
Function StartRemoteProcess(szComputer, szFilePath, szCmdLine, bCleanup)

	Call PrepareRemote(szComputer, szFilePath, szCmdLine)

	pid = StartProcess(szComputer, "C:\___temp___\run.bat")

	Call WaitForTermination(szComputer, pid)

	StartRemoteProcess = ReadResult(szComputer, bCleanup)
End Function

'' Sample usages (shows pushing out windows updates).

' Vulnerability in the Microsoft Jet Database Engine Could Allow Code Execution (837001)
'MsgBox "The result of running the remote program was " & _
'       StartRemoteProcess("remote_computer", "C:\Documents and Settings\UONE\Desktop\Windows2000-KB837001-x86-ENU.EXE", _
'       "C:\___temp___\Windows2000-KB837001-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /quiet /norestart /o", False)

' Cumulative Update for Microsoft RPC/DCOM (828741)
'MsgBox "The result of running the remote program was " & _
'       StartRemoteProcess("remote_computer", "C:\Documents and Settings\UONE\Desktop\Windows2000-KB828741-x86-ENU.EXE", _
'       "C:\___temp___\Windows2000-KB828741-x86-ENU.EXE /passive /quiet /norestart /o", False)
Note: Both this and the DispHelper based solution will only run on Windows 2000/XP.