ok this is a real sockets n00b question...

My code...

if ( newFD = accept( scktFD, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &sin_size ) == -1 ) {
		perror( "connection_listen: accept" );
		close( scktFD );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
	if (( send( newFD, "Hello world", 11, 0 )) == -1 ) {
		perror( "send" );
		close( newFD );
		exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
the send always fails and returns the error "Socket operation on non-socket", when i print newFD it is 0.

I thought that was valid and i couldnt find a problem until i found this..
60 * accept() returns a path name even if the connecting socket has closed
61 * in the meantime (BSD loses the path and gives up).
62 * accept() returns 0 length path for an unbound connector. BSD returns 16
63 * and a null first byte in the path (but not for gethost/peername - BSD bug ??)
in /net/unix/af_unix.c

Anyway I have no idea what is going wrong or if I am using accept the wrong way. Any pointers would be great.