The recv should definitely check the number of bytes received. It looks like you are expecting 4 bytes on the first recv and messageSize on the second.

// Reads a specified number of bytes from a socket.  This call will not return
// until the specified number of bytes are read or there is an error.
// SOCKET soc - the socket to read from
// int numBytesToRead - the number of bytes to read from the socket.
// char *buffer - buffer containing data read from the socket.
// TRUE on success and FALSE on error.  Call WSAGetLastError() to get the
// error code.
BOOL SafeRecv(SOCKET soc, char *buffer, int numBytesToRead)
	int totalBytesRecvd = 0;

        while (true)
		//temp holder for the number of bytes read per recv() call
		int numBytes = 0;

		//calculate how many more bytes are left to read
		int bytesLeft = numBytesToRead - totalBytesRecvd;

		//Read into the correct offset in the buffer the number of bytes
		//left to read.
		numBytes = recv(soc, buffer + totalBytesRecvd, bytesLeft, 0);

		//Was there an error?
		if (numBytes == SOCKET_ERROR)
			return FALSE;

		//Increment the number of bytes we have received so far
		bytesRecvd += numBytes;

		//Have we received everything?
		if (numBytes == numBytesToRead)

	return TRUE;
This code has not been compiled or tested!!!