Good evening! inet_ntoa isn't returning a char*, I need to typecast it. But in this case, I get a segmentation fault on gcc while trying to capture an IP header. I know inet_ntoa is deprecated but it's still working in the wild

inet_ntoa() is inside the decode_ip() function in the code below (in bold):

#include <pcap.h>
#include "hacking.h"
#include "hacking-network.h"

void pcap_fatal(const char *, const char *);
void decode_ethernet(const u_char *);
void decode_ip(const u_char *);
u_int decode_tcp(const u_char *);

void caught_packet(u_char *, const struct pcap_pkthdr *, const u_char *);

int main() {
    struct pcap_pkthdr cap_header;
    const u_char *packet, *pkt_data;
    char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
    char *device;

    pcap_t *pcap_handle;
    device = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf);
    if(device == NULL)
        pcap_fatal("pcap_lookupdev", errbuf);

    printf("Sniffing on device %s\n", device);
    pcap_handle = pcap_open_live(device, 4096, 1, 0, errbuf);
    if(pcap_handle == NULL)
        pcap_fatal("pcap_open_live", errbuf);
    pcap_loop(pcap_handle, 3, caught_packet, NULL);


void caught_packet(u_char *user_args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *cap_header, const u_char *packet) {
    int tcp_header_length, total_header_size, pkt_data_len;
    u_char *pkt_data;
    printf("==== Got a %d byte packet ====\n", cap_header->len);

    tcp_header_length = decode_tcp(packet+ETHER_HDR_LEN+sizeof(struct ip_hdr));

    total_header_size = ETHER_HDR_LEN+sizeof(struct ip_hdr)+tcp_header_length;
    pkt_data = (u_char *)packet + total_header_size;  // pkt_data points to the data portion
    pkt_data_len = cap_header->len - total_header_size;
    if(pkt_data_len > 0) {
        printf("\t\t\t%u bytes of packet data\n", pkt_data_len);
        dump(pkt_data, pkt_data_len);
    } else
        printf("\t\t\tNo Packet Data\n");

void pcap_fatal(const char *failed_in, const char *errbuf) {
    printf("Fatal Error in %s: %s\n", failed_in, errbuf);

void decode_ethernet(const u_char *header_start) {
    int i;
    const struct ether_hdr *ethernet_header;

    ethernet_header = (const struct ether_hdr *)header_start;
    printf("[[  Layer 2 :: Ethernet Header  ]]\n");
    printf("[ Source: %02x", ethernet_header->ether_src_addr[0]);
    for(i=1; i < ETHER_ADDR_LEN; i++)
        printf(":%02x", ethernet_header->ether_src_addr[i]);

    printf("\tDest: %02x", ethernet_header->ether_dest_addr[0]);
    for(i=1; i < ETHER_ADDR_LEN; i++)
        printf(":%02x", ethernet_header->ether_dest_addr[i]);
    printf("\tType: %hu ]\n", ethernet_header->ether_type);

void decode_ip(const u_char *header_start) {
    const struct ip_hdr *ip_header;

    ip_header = (const struct ip_hdr *)header_start;
    printf("\t((  Layer 3 ::: IP Header  ))\n");
    printf("\t( Source: %s\t", (char *) inet_ntoa(ip_header->ip_src_addr));
    printf("Dest: %s )\n", (char *) inet_ntoa(ip_header->ip_dest_addr));
    printf("\t( Type: %u\t", (u_int) ip_header->ip_type);
    printf("ID: %hu\tLength: %hu )\n", ntohs(ip_header->ip_id), ntohs(ip_header->ip_len));

u_int decode_tcp(const u_char *header_start) {
    u_int header_size;
    const struct tcp_hdr *tcp_header;

    tcp_header = (const struct tcp_hdr *)header_start;
    header_size = 4 * tcp_header->tcp_offset;
    printf("\t\t{{  Layer 4 :::: TCP Header  }}\n");
    printf("\t\t{ Src Port: %hu\t", ntohs(tcp_header->tcp_src_port));
    printf("Dest Port: %hu }\n", ntohs(tcp_header->tcp_dest_port));
    printf("\t\t{ Seq #: %u\t", ntohl(tcp_header->tcp_seq));
    printf("Ack #: %u }\n", ntohl(tcp_header->tcp_ack));
    printf("\t\t{ Header Size: %u\tFlags: ", header_size);
    if(tcp_header->tcp_flags & TCP_FIN)
        printf("FIN ");
    if(tcp_header->tcp_flags & TCP_SYN)
        printf("SYN ");
    if(tcp_header->tcp_flags & TCP_RST)
        printf("RST ");
    if(tcp_header->tcp_flags & TCP_PUSH)
        printf("PUSH ");
    if(tcp_header->tcp_flags & TCP_ACK)
        printf("ACK ");
    if(tcp_header->tcp_flags & TCP_URG)
        printf("URG ");
    printf(" }\n");

    return header_size;