Hi!!! ...I am just starting out on my final year project at university. My idea is to create an audio effects processor using C. Maybe it will have to be embedded into a device [with linux ported to it to run the software]. Basically, I want to have an audio stream and then a device which can adjust the amount of effect to add to the stream and then output the new stream with the effect added. I want to be able to have up to 3 simutaneous effects at any one time, and effects are assigned by using pre-programmed effects stored in the system; i.e. the effects could be:

1. distortion
2. vocalizer
3. flanger
4. jet effect
5. phaser
6. echo
....and the list goes on!!!

Is it possible to do such programming in C; I'm thinking maybe i may have to learn active X or similar! ...Does anyone know any books that I could purchase to get started??? or resources that would be good to print out and read!!!

Thanks... Matt!!!