@wraithan: sorry :P I started with PHP, and that's a scripting language, isn't it? So I'm used to say 'scripting'.

I have a few questions about openGL (I did some tutorials at nehe.gamedev.net)
1. If I use glutIdleFunc(&DrawGLScene); in my code (It's necessary for rotating a cube), The program closes a few seconds after I click the close button or press the Escape button. Why?

2. And I get this warning when I execute:
freeglut (./a.out): Unable to create direct context rendering for window 'Jeff Molofee's GL Code Tutorial ... NeHe '99' This may hurt performance.
How can I solve that?

3. If I don't focus on the program window, the animation is about 5 times faster. Is that a SuSE linux bug?