Hi I wrote this code with MSVC, but our code is graded based on it compiling on linux machines.

I was using these two compilers on 2 diff machines and gave me error abt the default constructors

I used this command to compile:-

cxx hashTest.cpp

got a similar error when tried on another unix machine

g++ hashTest.cpp

any ideas why it isnt compiling?

cxx: Error: hashTable.h, line 146: default argument is not allowed
hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::hashTable(long int tSize=0)
cxx: Info: 1 error detected in the compilation of "hashTest.cpp".

#ifndef _hashTable_h
#define _hashTable_h

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cassert>

using namespace std;

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
struct mypair
{   KeyType key;//words
    DataType data;//frequencies

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
class hashTable
	     hashTable(long int tSize = 0);
        //Constructor function. Dynamically allocates the arrays, table
        //and status, with dimensions of the next prime number > tSize. 
        //Initializes the status array to show all positions in the table 
        //are empty and initializes size, tableSize, numSearches and
        //numProbes. Uses non-member function nextPrime.
    void find(const KeyType& k, long int& i, bool& found);
        //Looks for key, k, in table. If found then sets i to the subscript
        //where the key is located and sets found to true. If not found 
        //then sets i to the subscript where the key could be inserted
        //and sets found to false. Uses linear probing for collision 
        //resolution with inc determined from the hash value as follows: 
        //i = hash(...); inc = i; if (inc == 0) inc = tableSize - 1 ; This  
        //is a little better than always taking inc = 1. Uses non-member 
        //function hash.
    void insert(const KeyType& k, const DataType& d);
        //Inserts a pair with key k and data d into the table. If a pair 
        //with the same key part already occurs in the table then it prints 
        //an error message and does not insert the pair. If the table is 
        //now more than 75% full then it rehashes into a larger table. Uses 
        //the public member function find and the private member function 
 //The following functions provide simialr capabilties to iterators in STL.
 //They allow one to examine all elements of the hash table. You could use
 //these for example to output all elements of the hash table or to copy all 
 //elements to a vector outside the hashTable class for sorting, etc.
    const mypair<KeyType, DataType>& element(long int i) const;
        //Returns the pair at subscript i in the table. Cannot be used
        //to assign a new value to the pair.
    DataType& data(long int i) const;
        //Returns a reference to the data at subscript i in the table. 
        //Can be used to assign a new value to the data. 
    long int begin() const;
        //Returns the subscript of the first element in the table; returns
        //the same value as end(), i.e. tableSize, if the table is empty.
    long int end() const;
        //Returns subscript just past end of table, i.e. tableSize.
    long int next(long int i) const;
        //Returns the subscript of the next element after i; if there is no 
        //next element then returns the same as end(), i.e. tableSize.

    float averageSearchLength() const;
        //returns the average length of all searches numProbes/numSearches.
    mypair<KeyType, DataType>* table; //dynamically allocated array of pairs
    short int* status;   //dynamically allocated status array; contains 
                         //staus info: 0=empty, 1=occupied
    long int size; //number of elements in table
    long int tableSize; //size of table array
    long int numSearches; //total number of searches done in looking up keys. 
                          //Increment numSearches each time find called.
    long int numProbes;   //total number of probes done during all searches.
                          //Increment each time find looks at a spot.
    void rehash();
        //The rehash function remembers the current table, status and tableSize
        //by assigning them to local variables, oldTable, oldStatus and 
        //oldTableSize. It then dynamically allocates new table and status 
        //arrays of size the next larger prime than oldTableSize and sets 
        //tableSize to the new size. It then goes through the old table 
        //and rehashes each element into the new table using the insert 
        //function. Uses non-member function nextPrime.

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
const mypair<KeyType, DataType>& 
hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::element(long int i) const
{   return table[i];
template<class KeyType, class DataType>
DataType& hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::data(long int i) const
{   return table[i].data;

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
long int hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::begin() const
{   long int i = 0;

    while(i < tableSize && status[i] != 1)
    return i;

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
long int hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::end() const
{   return tableSize;

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
long int hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::next(long int i) const
    while(i < tableSize && status[i] != 1)
    return i;

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
float hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::averageSearchLength()const
	assert(numSearches != 0);//assert that numSearches isnt 0
	return float(numProbes/numSearches);

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::hashTable(long int tSize=0)
	table = new mypair<KeyType, DataType>[tableSize];
	status=new short int [tableSize];
	for(int k=0;k<tableSize;k++)status[k]=0;


template<class KeyType, class DataType>
hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::~hashTable()
	delete [] table;
	delete [] status;

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
void hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::insert(const KeyType& k, const DataType& d)
			bool found=false;
			long int i=0;
			find( k,  i, found);

		if(size > .75*(tableSize))rehash();

template<class KeyType, class DataType>
void hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::find(const KeyType& k, long int& i, bool& found)
	i=hash(k, tableSize);
	long int inc = i;

	if(inc == 0)inc = tableSize -1;

	for( int g=0; g < tableSize; g++)
		if(status[g] ==1)
			if(table[g].key == k)
				found = true;
	if(found == false)//now determine where I can put in in.
		while(status[inc] != 0)
			if(inc == tableSize)inc=0;


template<class KeyType, class DataType>
void hashTable<KeyType, DataType>::rehash()
	mypair<KeyType, DataType>* oldTable=table;
	short int* oldStatus = status;
	long int oldTableSize = tableSize;
	bool doesIt=false;

	table = new mypair<KeyType, DataType>[nextPrime(oldTableSize)];
	status = new short int[nextPrime(oldTableSize)];

	for(int h =0; h < tableSize;h++)status[h]=0;

	for(int j=0; j < oldTableSize;j++)
		if(oldStatus[j] != 0)
			insert(oldTable[j].key, oldTable[j].data);


	delete[] oldTable;
	delete[] oldStatus;


long int hash(string s, int tableSize)
{   unsigned long int j; 
    unsigned long int sum = 0;

    for (j = 0; j < s.length(); j++)
        sum = (sum << 5) + s[j];
    return sum % tableSize;

long int nextPrime(long int n)
{   long int i;
    long int p[18] = {      31,      61,     127,     251,     509,    1021,                        
                          2039,    4093,    8191,   16381,   32749,   65521,  
                        131071,  262139,  524287, 1048573, 2097143, 4194301 

    for (i = 0; i < 18; i++)
       if (p[i] > n) return p[i];
    cerr<<"Next prime too large"<<endl;
    return p[17];

bool operator < (const mypair<string, int>& p,const mypair<string, int>& q)
	if(p.data == q.data)return(p.key < q.key);

		return (p.data > q.data);

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "hashTable.h"

using namespace std;

void nextWord(ifstream& ifs, string& word, bool& found);

int main()
	char fname[20];//array to store the name of the file
	ifstream infile1;//the infile stream
	string word;//this while store the word
	bool found=true;;
	bool finder=false;
	long int i;
	int d=1;
	char ch;
	hashTable<string, int>ht(0);//start off to a table of size 31
	vector< mypair<string, int> >h;//the vector

	cout<< "Enter File Name:";



		cerr<<"Input file <<fname << does not exist"<<endl;

	//after this point the whole nextWord crap occurs
	//and the hash table is formed

	while(found == true)
		nextWord(infile1, word, found);


		if(finder == false)

	//this bit of code to copy the hash table into the vector for sorting


	for(long int l = ht.begin(); l!= ht.end(); l = ht.next(l))

	//once this is done we sort using the generic sort function of STL.


	//and now we output
	cout<<"Average search length in hash table = "<<ht.averageSearchLength()<<endl;
	for(unsigned long int u =0; u < h.size(); u++)
	return 0;


void nextWord(ifstream& ifs, string& word, bool& found)
	char ch='/';

	while( !isalpha(ch) && !ifs.fail() )

	while(isalpha(ch) && !ifs.fail()&& !isspace(ch))
