Originally posted by Jaguar
>>I want to know what I should choose for my next os.
To learn linux one must forget the bad habit of ``point and click''. Many things on linux go with console, some GUI apps can't set much deep. You must know where the files reside and Linux has no registry. If you get familiarity with Linux, you will never go back to Windows.

well said.

Originally posted by ZakkWylde969
The extensions aren't the same which causes problems
the extensions have nothing to do with the fact that linux/window cannot run windows/linux executables. the executable format is different. the linux kernel uses the ELF executable structure and windows uses PE executable format. in order to run PE executables on linux you need to run them with an emulator and vice-versa.

that blizzard game (i have no idea which one, dont play games) most likely has both types of executables (PE and ELF)

there's probably more to this that i haven't mentioned.