Thread: allegro graphics library for linux

  1. #1

    allegro graphics library for linux

    I just installed Slack8 on my sytem and had deleted some files I thought I could download again. Unfortunately the Programmers Vault dissolved into Dr.Dobbs site not to be found again. I cant get any response to my emails so I was hoping some one here knew where I could find a mirrior of the site or had wgetted it.

    I am looking for the how to program pong file mostly. It had a great tutorial on how to use the grabber utility to store graphics to a data file and use it as a sprite which could be used for a bat or ball in the game. I would be interested in any related files or info. Thankyou.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

  3. #3
    Mr Foot's pong tutorial is on this page.

    The one I am looking for was on the url
    but it got eaten by Dr. Dobbs. It was by a guy with a arab name and written with the grammar of someone to whom the English language is not natural. That might be why I liked it. I got my education in Oklahoma so English is not my native tongue either.

    I thought it would nice to compare the tutorials and styles. Thanks for the reply.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Try asking at I know gfoot some times
    goes there and maybe you can find the author.

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