Thread: availble usb devices

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Jan 2024

    availble usb devices

    I suspect my problem is my lack of experience with linux..
    anyway, I'm working on building a GUI version of my program that talks with my arduino. (currently it shows up as /dev/ttyACM0 ) but what I'm trying to do, get is a list of available usb devices so my program can present the list to the user to pick one. how do I generate that list? I can find tons on doing it from the command line.. but not inside a C program ..?

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jan 2024
    well, after a LOT more digging.. I came across libusb (which I couldn't get to work) then I found what libusb is based on.. LibUdev... which actually worked out pretty well!

    Tutorial: How to use libudev and Sysfs in Linux

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