I think I've created a better perl language by introducing classes, introducing the 'dot' operator, having better private attributes to objects (through Alias's attr operator), introducing the 'new' keyword to create objects, and having arguments for subroutines:
my $o = new Object;
die "didn't work" unless $o.set(_attribute => 3.14);
class Object {
  sub Object($classname){
    return bless {
      _attribute => 0
  our $_attribute;

  sub set($self, %s){
    $_attribute = $s{_attribute} || return 0;
    return 1;
Anyone interested?
(btw, I'm unsure if the above compiles with the new translation)

The real perl code would look like this:
my $o = Object->Object;
die "didn't work" unless $o->set(_attribute => 3.14);
package Object;
use Alias qw/attr/;
sub Object{ 
  my $classname = shift;
  return bless {
    _attribute => 0
our $_attribute;

sub set{
  my $self = attr shift;
  my %s = @_;
  $_attribute = $s{_attribute} || return 0;
  return 1;
Anyone interested?
I think packages make objects/classes seem like shrimp food. I think objects/classes should be treated like royalty, and that's why I replaced
package Object;
class Object{}
. Plus the 'dot' operator looks much more better than having to use '->' to access objects.

So., is anyone interested in using this style of perl? If so, I could post the code that translates the class-perl to the real perl.