I have to agree with everything Deckard says he has provided excellent reasons too. Although I probably don't understand *nix systems as well as him, because i've been using them for much less time than any windows system, there are all very valid reasons.

I use both Windows XP and Linux RH7.1. They both have their advantages and disadvantages. Although XP has the right idea, and is pretty stable I still prefer NT4 for stability, but sadly i can't use it for many games.

My linux system is also very stable and i haven't updated it much, definitely no where near as much as I have to update XP.

Linux systems protects itself from innocent stupidity, where as Microsoft has tried but not really succeeded. I say innocent because if you have a malicious person who really wants to see your files they will sometimes.

Windows any joe blog can see your files. It really ain't that hard to hack into someones windows especially 9x, ME.

I really believe it comes down to personal taste and your comfort zone.

I could go on and on but i don't feel like it at the moment.
