Thread: Can't Compile a code!!! I ran into "undefined reference to" error.

  1. #16
    Registered User
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  2. #17
    Registered User
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    "makeArray" is a macro in the dstruct/src/Array.h file from the SRI sources. and replacing the file fixed it.

    I changed the
    OBJ_READMATRIX= LHash.o Map.o zio.o Array.o File.o Vocab.o option.o ngram-count.o
    and the new ones appears: .text$_ZN5LHashIjjE6removeEjRb[LHash<unsigned int, unsigned int>::remove(unsigned int, bool&)]+0xb): undefined reference to `LHash<unsigned int, unsigned int>::removedData' ).text$_ZN5LHashIjjE6removeEjRb[LHash<unsigned int, unsigned int>::remove(unsigned int, bool&)]+0x22): undefined reference to `LHash<unsigned int, unsigned int>::removedData' ).text$_ZN5LHashIjjE6removeEjRb[LHash<unsigned int, unsigned int>::remove(unsigned int, bool&)]+0x106): undefined reference to `LHash<unsigned int, unsigned int>::removedData' ).text$_ZN5LHashIjjE6removeEjRb[LHash<unsigned int, unsigned int>::remove(unsigned int, bool&)]+0x22b): undefined reference to `LHash<unsigned int, unsigned int>::removedData'
    I copy the entire and I colorized the important lines for the error:

     * --
     *    Linear search hash table implementation
    #ifndef _LHash_cc_
    #define _LHash_cc_
    #ifndef lint
    static char LHash_Copyright[] = "Copyright (c) 1995-2010 SRI International.  All Rights Reserved.";
    static char LHash_RcsId[] = "@(#)$Header: /home/srilm/devel/dstruct/src/RCS/,v 1.53 2010/06/02 04:52:43 stolcke Exp $";
    #ifdef PRE_ISO_CXX
    # include <new.h>
    # include <iostream.h>
    # include <new>
    # include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <assert.h>
    #include "C:\cygwin\semanlm\include\srilm\LHash.h"
    #define INSTANTIATE_LHASH(KeyT, DataT) \
        template <> DataT *LHash< KeyT, DataT >::removedData = 0; \
        template class LHash< KeyT, DataT >; \
        template class< KeyT, DataT >
    #ifndef __GNUG__
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    DataT *LHash<KeyT,DataT>::removedData = 0;
    #endif /* __GNUG__ */
    #ifdef DEBUG
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    unsigned long LHash<KeyT,DataT>::collisionCount = 0;
    const unsigned minHashBits = 3;        /* minimum no. bits for hashing
                         * tables smaller than this use linear
                         * search to save space */
    const float fillRatio = 0.8f;        /* fill ration at which the table is
                         * expanded and rehashed */
    #define BODY(b)    ((LHashBody<KeyT,DataT> *)b)
     * Dump the entire hash array to cerr.  Unused slots are printed as "FREE".
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::dump() const
        if (body) {
        unsigned maxEntries = hashSize(BODY(body)->maxBits);
        unsigned i;
        for (i = 0; i < maxEntries; i++) {
            cerr << " " << i << ": ";
            if (Map_noKeyP(BODY(body)->data[i].key)) {
            cerr << "FREE";
            } else {
            cerr << BODY(body)->data[i].key
    #ifdef DUMP_VALUES
                 * Only certain types can be printed.
                 << "->" << BODY(body)->data[i].value
    #endif /* DUMP_VALUES */
        } else {
        cerr << "EMPTY";
        cerr << endl;
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::memStats(MemStats &stats) const
    { += sizeof(*this);
        if (body) {
            unsigned maxEntries = hashSize(BODY(body)->maxBits);
    += sizeof(*BODY(body)) +
                sizeof(BODY(body)->data[0]) *
                    (maxEntries - 1);
        stats.wasted += sizeof(BODY(body)->data[0]) *
                    (maxEntries - BODY(body)->nEntries);
     * Compute the actual minimum size required for a given number of entries
    static inline unsigned
    roundSize(unsigned size)
        if (size < hashSize(minHashBits)) {
        return size;
        } else {
        return (unsigned)((size + 1)/ fillRatio);
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::alloc(unsigned size)
        unsigned maxBits, maxEntries;
        unsigned i;
         * round up to power of two
        maxBits = 0;
        while (hashSize(maxBits) < size) {
        assert(maxBits < LHash_maxBitLimit);
        maxEntries = hashSize(maxBits);
        //cerr << "LHash::alloc: current " << (body ? BODY(body)->nEntries : 0)
        //     << ", requested " << size 
        //     << ", allocating " << maxEntries << " (" << maxBits << ")\n";
        body = (LHashBody<KeyT,DataT> *)malloc(sizeof(*BODY(body)) +
                       (maxEntries - 1) * sizeof(BODY(body)->data[0]));
        assert(body != 0);
        BODY(body)->maxBits = maxBits;
        BODY(body)->nEntries = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < maxEntries; i++) {
        //cerr << "memory for header = " <<
        //        ((void *)&(BODY(body)->data[0]) - (void *)BODY(body)) << endl;
        //cerr << "memory per entry = " <<
        //        ((void *)&(BODY(body)->data[3]) - (void *)&(BODY(body)->data[2])) << endl;
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::LHash(unsigned size)
        : body(0)
        if (size != 0) {
         * determine actual initial size
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::clear(unsigned size)
        if (body) {
        unsigned maxEntries = hashSize(BODY(body)->maxBits);
        unsigned i;
        for (i = 0; i < maxEntries; i++) {
            if (! Map_noKeyP(BODY(body)->data[i].key)) {
        body = 0;
        if (size != 0) {
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    void LHash<KeyT,DataT>::setsize(unsigned size)
        if (body == 0 && size != 0) {
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::LHash(const LHash<KeyT,DataT> &source)
        : body(0)
    #ifdef DEBUG
        cerr << "warning: LHash copy constructor called\n";
        *this = source;
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    LHash<KeyT,DataT> &
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::operator= (const LHash<KeyT,DataT> &other)
    #ifdef DEBUG
        cerr << "warning: LHash::operator= called\n";
        if (&other == this) {
        return *this;
         * copy hash entries from old to new 
        if (other.body) {
        unsigned maxEntries = hashSize(BODY(other.body)->maxBits);
         * ensure we have exactly the same size as source table
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < maxEntries; i++) {
            KeyT thisKey = BODY(other.body)->data[i].key;
            if (!Map_noKeyP(thisKey)) {
             * Copy key
            BODY(body)->data[i].key = Map_copyKey(thisKey);
             * Initialize data, required for = operator
            new (&(BODY(body)->data[i].value)) DataT;
             * Copy data
            BODY(body)->data[i].value = BODY(other.body)->data[i].value;
        BODY(body)->nEntries = BODY(other.body)->nEntries;
        } else {
        return *this;
     * Returns index into data array that has the key which is either
     * equal to key, or indicates the place where key would be placed if it
     * occurred in the array.
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::locate(KeyT key, unsigned &index) const
        if (body) {
        unsigned maxBits = BODY(body)->maxBits;
            register MapEntry<KeyT,DataT> *data = BODY(body)->data;
        if (maxBits < minHashBits) {
             * Do a linear search
            unsigned nEntries = BODY(body)->nEntries;
            register unsigned i;
            for (i = 0; i < nEntries; i++) {
            if (LHash_equalKey(data[i].key, key)) {
                index = i;
                return true;
            index = i;
            return false;
        } else {
             * Do a hashed search
            unsigned hash = LHash_hashKey(key, maxBits);
            unsigned i;
            for (i = hash; ; i = (i + 1) & hashMask(maxBits))
            if (Map_noKeyP(data[i].key)) {
                index = i;
                return false;
            } else if (LHash_equalKey(data[i].key, key)) {
                index = i;
                return true;
    #ifdef DEBUG
            collisionCount += 1;
        } else {
        return false;
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    DataT *
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::find(KeyT key, Boolean &foundP) const
        unsigned index;
        if ((foundP = locate(key, index))) {
        return &(BODY(body)->data[index].value);
        } else {
        return 0;
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::getInternalKey(KeyT key, Boolean &foundP) const
        unsigned index;
        static KeyT zeroKey;
        if ((foundP = locate(key, index))) {
        return BODY(body)->data[index].key;
        } else {
        return zeroKey;
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    DataT *
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::insert(KeyT key, Boolean &foundP)
        unsigned index;
         * Make sure there is room for at least one entry
        if (body == 0) {
        if ((foundP = locate(key, index))) {
        return &(BODY(body)->data[index].value);
        } else {
        unsigned maxEntries = hashSize(BODY(body)->maxBits);
        unsigned nEntries = BODY(body)->nEntries;
         * Rehash table if necessary
        unsigned minSize = roundSize(nEntries + 1);
        if (minSize > maxEntries) {
            LHashBody<KeyT,DataT> *oldBody = BODY(body);
            unsigned i;
             * Since LHash_maxEntriesLimit is a power of two minus 1
             * we need to check this only when the array is enlarged
            assert(nEntries < LHash_maxEntriesLimit);
            BODY(body)->nEntries = nEntries;
            if (BODY(body)->maxBits < minHashBits) {
             * Just copy old entries to new storage, no reindexing
             * required.
            memcpy(BODY(body)->data, oldBody->data,
                sizeof(oldBody->data[0]) * nEntries);
            } else {
             * Rehash
            for (i = 0; i < maxEntries; i++) {
                KeyT key = oldBody->data[i].key;
                if (! Map_noKeyP(key)) {
                (void)locate(key, index);
                memcpy(&(BODY(body)->data[index]), &(oldBody->data[i]),
             * Entries have been moved, so have to re-locate key
            (void)locate(key, index);
        BODY(body)->data[index].key = Map_copyKey(key);
         * Initialize data to zero, but also call constructors, if any
        memset(&(BODY(body)->data[index].value), 0,
        new (&(BODY(body)->data[index].value)) DataT;
        return &(BODY(body)->data[index].value);
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    DataT *
    LHash<KeyT,DataT>::remove(KeyT key, Boolean &foundP)
        unsigned index;
         * Allocate pseudo-static memory for removed objects (returned by
         * remove()). We cannot make this static because otherwise 
         * the destructor for DataT would be called on it at program exit.
        if (removedData == 0) {
        removedData = (DataT *)malloc(sizeof(DataT));
        assert(removedData != 0);
        if ((foundP = locate(key, index))) {
        memcpy(removedData, &BODY(body)->data[index].value, sizeof(DataT));
        if (BODY(body)->maxBits < minHashBits) {
             * Linear search mode -- Just move all entries above the
             * the one removed to fill the gap.
            unsigned nEntries = BODY(body)->nEntries;
                (nEntries - index - 1) * sizeof(BODY(body)->data[0]));
            Map_noKey(BODY(body)->data[nEntries - 1].key);
        } else {
             * The entry after the one being deleted could actually
             * belong to a prior spot in the table, but was bounced forward due
             * to a collision.   The invariant used in lookup is that
             * all locations between the hash index and the actual index are
             * filled.  Hence we examine all entries between the deleted
             * position and the next free position as whether they need to
             * be moved backward.
            while (1) {
            unsigned newIndex;
            index = (index + 1) & hashMask(BODY(body)->maxBits);
            if (Map_noKeyP(BODY(body)->data[index].key)) {
             * If find returns false that means the deletion has
             * introduced a hole in the table that would prevent
             * us from finding the next entry. Luckily, find 
             * also tells us where the hole is.  We move the 
             * entry to its rightful place and continue filling
             * the hole created by this move.
            if (!locate(BODY(body)->data[index].key, newIndex)) {
        return removedData;
        } else {
        return 0;
    #ifdef __GNUG__
    int (*LHash_thisKeyCompare)();        /* used by to communicate
                         * with compareIndex() */
    #ifdef __GNUG__
    void *LHash_thisBody;            /* ditto */
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
         * Store keys away and sort them to the user's orders.
        unsigned maxEntries = hashSize(myLHashBody->maxBits);
        unsigned *sortedIndex = new unsigned[numEntries];
        assert(sortedIndex != 0);
        unsigned i;
        unsigned j = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < maxEntries; i++) {
        if (!Map_noKeyP(myLHashBody->data[i].key)) {
            sortedIndex[j++] = i;
        assert(j == numEntries);
         * Due to the limitations of the qsort interface we have to 
         * pass extra information to compareIndex in these global
         * variables - yuck. 
        LHash_thisKeyCompare = (int(*)())sortFunction;
        LHash_thisBody = myLHashBody;
        qsort(sortedIndex, numEntries, sizeof(*sortedIndex), compareIndex);
         * Save the keys for enumeration.  The reason we save the keys,
         * not the indices, is that indices may change during enumeration
         * due to deletions.
        sortedKeys = new KeyT[numEntries];
        assert(sortedKeys != 0);
        for (i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
        sortedKeys[i] = myLHashBody->data[sortedIndex[i]].key;
        delete [] sortedIndex;
    template <class KeyT, class DataT><KeyT,DataT> LHash<KeyT,DataT> &lhash,
                        int (*keyCompare)(KeyT, KeyT))
        : myLHashBody(BODY(lhash.body)), current(0),
          numEntries(lhash.numEntries()), sortFunction(keyCompare)
         * Note: we access the underlying LHash through the body pointer,
         * not the top-level LHash itself.  This allows the top-level object
         * to be moved without affecting an ongoing iteration.
         * XXX: This only works because
         * - it is illegal to insert while iterating
         * - deletions don't cause reallocation of the data
        if (sortFunction && myLHashBody) {
        } else {
        sortedKeys = 0;
     * This is the callback function passed to qsort for comparing array
     * entries. It is passed the indices into the data array, which are
     * compared according to the user-supplied function applied to the 
     * keys found at those locations.
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    int<KeyT,DataT>::compareIndex(const void *idx1, const void *idx2)
        return (*(compFnType)LHash_thisKeyCompare)
                (BODY(LHash_thisBody)->data[*(unsigned *)idx1].key,
                 BODY(LHash_thisBody)->data[*(unsigned *)idx2].key);
    template <class KeyT, class DataT><KeyT,DataT>
        delete [] sortedKeys;
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
        delete [] sortedKeys;
        current = 0;
         * XXX: fake LHash object to access numEntries()
        LHash<KeyT,DataT> myLHash(0);
        myLHash.body = myLHashBody;
        numEntries = myLHash.numEntries();
        myLHash.body = 0;
        if (sortFunction && myLHashBody) {
        } else {
        sortedKeys = 0;
    template <class KeyT, class DataT>
    DataT *<KeyT,DataT>::next(KeyT &key)
        if (myLHashBody == 0) {
        return 0;
        } else {
        unsigned index;
        if (sortedKeys) {
             * Sorted enumeration -- advance to next key in sorted list
            if (current == numEntries) {
            return 0;
             * XXX: fake LHash object to access locate()
            LHash<KeyT,DataT> myLHash(0);
            myLHash.body = myLHashBody;
            myLHash.locate(sortedKeys[current++], index);
            myLHash.body = 0;;
        } else {
             * Detect deletions by comparing old and current number of 
             * entries.
             * A legal deletion can only affect the current entry, so
             * adjust the current position to reflect the next entry was
             * moved.
            if (myLHashBody->nEntries != numEntries) {
            assert(myLHashBody->nEntries == numEntries - 1);
            numEntries --;
            current --;
             * Random enumeration mode
            unsigned maxBits = myLHashBody->maxBits;
            if (maxBits < minHashBits) {
             * Linear search mode - advance one to the next entry
            if (current == numEntries) {
                return 0;
            } else {
            unsigned maxEntries = hashSize(maxBits);
            while (current < maxEntries &&
            if (current == maxEntries) {
                return 0;
            index = current ++;
        key = myLHashBody->data[index].key;
        return &(myLHashBody->data[index].value);
    #undef BODY
    #endif /* _LHash_cc_ */

  3. #18
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You're going to get these undefined references errors all the time UNTIL you put ALL the .o files on your list. If you are referencing something that appears in a different file, well then, it's not going to work if you decide to leave that file out. Here it's referencing a member variable of the class, so the compiler needs to make sure it has the definition of the class.

  4. #19
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I don't get what you mean. would you explain more?

  5. #20
    and the Hat of Guessing tabstop's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You said there are 18 .c files, each of which needs to be turned into an .o file. And yet:
    OBJ_READMATRIX= LHash.o Map.o zio.o Array.o File.o Vocab.o option.o ngram-count.o
    So where are the other 10 .o files?

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