hi tabstop, thanks for your useful tips. I understand you a little now. i changed OBJ_READMATRIX= ngram-count.o to OBJ_READMATRIX= Vocab.o option.o ngram-count.o and it works! I mean one of the errors get lost.
But you know I ran into another one. here is error:
Vocab.cc: In member function `VocabIndex Vocab::metaTagOfType(unsigned int)': Vocab.cc:253: error: expected primary-expression before "char".

here is my Vocab.h:

 * Vocab.h --
 *	Interface to the Vocab class.
 * Vocab represents sets of string tokens as typically used for vocabularies,
 * word class names, etc.  Additionally, Vocab provides a mapping from
 * such string tokens (type VocabString) to integers (type VocabIndex).
 * VocabIndex is typically used to index words in language models to
 * conserve space and speed up comparisons etc.  Thus, Vocab essentially
 * implements a symbol table into which strings can be "interned."
 * VocabIndex(VocabIndex start, VocabIndex end)
 *	Initializes a Vocab and sets the index range.
 *	Indices are allocated starting at start and incremented from there.
 *	No indices are allowed beyond end.
 *	This provides a way to map several distinct Vocabs to disjoint
 *	ranges of integers, and then use them jointly without danger of
 *	confusion.
 * VocabIndex addWord(VocabString token)
 *	Adds a new string to the Vocab, returning the assigned index,
 *	or looks up the index if the token already exists.
 * VocabString getWord(VocabIndex index)
 *	Returns the string token associated with index, or 0 if it none
 *	exists.
 * VocabIndex getIndex(VocabString token)
 *	Returns the index for a string token, or Vocab_None if none exists.
 * void remove(VocabString token)
 * void remove(VocabIndex index)
 *	Deletes an item from the Vocab, either by token or by index.
 * unsigned int numWords()
 *	Returns the number of tokens (and indices) in the Vocab.
 * VocabIndex highIndex()
 *	Returns the highest word index in use, or Vocab_None if 
 *	vocabulary is empty.
 * VocabIter implements iterations over Vocabs. 
 * VocabIter(Vocab &vocab)
 *	Creates and initializes an iteration over vocab.
 * void init()
 *	Reset an iteration to the "first" element.
 * VocabString next()
 * VocabString next(VocabIndex &index)
 *	Returns the next Vocab token in an iteration, or 0 if the
 *	iteration is finished.  index is set to the corresponding
 *	index.
 * unsigned int read(File &file)
 *	Read a word list from a file into the Vocab, implicitly performing
 *	an addWord() on each token read.  Returns the number of tokens read.
 * void write(File &file)
 *	Write the current set of word tokes to a file, in random order.
 * NOTE: While an iteration over a Vocab is ongoing, no modifications
 * are allowed to the Vocab, EXCEPT possibly removal of the
 * "current" token/index.
 * An iteration returns the elements of a Vocab in random, but deterministic
 * order. Furthermore, when copied or used in initialization of other objects,
 * VocabIter objects retain the current "position" in an iteration.  This
 * allows nested iterations that enumerate all pairs of distinct elements.
 * Copyright (c) 1995-2010 SRI International.  All Rights Reserved.
 * @(#)$Header: /home/srilm/devel/lm/src/RCS/Vocab.h,v 1.41 2010/06/02 05:49:58 stolcke Exp $

#ifndef _Vocab_h_
#define _Vocab_h_

#ifdef PRE_ISO_CXX
# include <iostream.h>
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "Boolean.h"
#include "File.h"
#include "LHash.h"
#include "SArray.h"
#include "Array.h"
#include "MemStats.h"

typedef unsigned short	VocabIndex;
typedef unsigned int	VocabIndex;
typedef const char	*VocabString;

const unsigned int	maxWordLength = 1024;

const VocabIndex	Vocab_None = (VocabIndex)-1;

const VocabString	Vocab_Unknown = "<unk>";
const VocabString	Vocab_SentStart = "<s>";
const VocabString	Vocab_SentEnd = "</s>";
const VocabString	Vocab_Pause = "-pau-";

typedef int (*VocabIndexComparator)(VocabIndex, VocabIndex);
typedef int (*VocabIndicesComparator)(const VocabIndex *, const VocabIndex *);

class Vocab
    friend class VocabIter;

    Vocab(VocabIndex start = 0, VocabIndex end = (Vocab_None-1));
    virtual ~Vocab() {};

    virtual VocabIndex addWord(VocabString name);
    virtual VocabIndex addWordAlias(VocabIndex word, VocabString name);
    virtual VocabString getWord(VocabIndex index);
    virtual VocabIndex getIndex(VocabString name,
				    VocabIndex unkIndex = Vocab_None);
    virtual void remove(VocabString name);
    virtual void remove(VocabIndex index);
    virtual unsigned int numWords() const { return byName.numEntries(); };
    virtual VocabIndex highIndex() const;

     * Special (pseudo-) vocabulary tokens
    virtual VocabIndex &unkIndex() { return _unkIndex; };  /* <unk> index */
    virtual VocabIndex &ssIndex() { return _ssIndex; };	   /* <s> index */
    virtual VocabIndex &seIndex() { return _seIndex; };	   /* </s> index */
    virtual VocabIndex &pauseIndex() { return _pauseIndex; }; /* -pau- index */

    virtual Boolean &unkIsWord() { return _unkIsWord; };
					/* consider <unk> a regular word */

    virtual Boolean &toLower() { return _toLower; };
					/* map word strings to lowercase */

     * Some Vocab tokens/indices are "pseudo words", i.e., they don't
     * get probabilities since they can only occur in contexts.
    virtual Boolean isNonEvent(VocabString word)	/* pseudo-word? */
	{ return isNonEvent(getIndex(word)); };
    virtual Boolean isNonEvent(VocabIndex word) const	/* non-event? */
	{ return (!_unkIsWord && (word == _unkIndex)) ||
		 nonEventMap.find(word) != 0; };

    virtual VocabIndex addNonEvent(VocabIndex word);
    virtual VocabIndex addNonEvent(VocabString name)
	{ return addNonEvent(addWord(name)); };
    virtual Boolean addNonEvents(Vocab &nonevents);
    virtual Boolean removeNonEvent(VocabIndex word);

     * Handling of meta-count tags: these are tags that represent a token
     * count total, or a type frequency count (count-of-count).
     * If metaTag == "__META__", the following tags acquire special meaning:
     *	__META__		a word count total
     *	__META__1		count of singleton word types
     *	__META__2		count of word types occurring twice
     *	...			...
     *	__META__N		count of word types occurring N times
    virtual VocabString &metaTag() { return _metaTag; }; /* meta-count tag */
    Boolean isMetaTag(VocabIndex word)
	{ return metaTagMap.find(word) != 0; };
    unsigned typeOfMetaTag(VocabIndex word)
	{ unsigned *type = metaTagMap.find(word);
	  return type != 0 ? *type : (unsigned)-1; };
    VocabIndex metaTagOfType(unsigned);

     * Utilities for handling Vocab sequences
    virtual unsigned int getWords(const VocabIndex *wids,
			  VocabString *words, unsigned int max);
    virtual unsigned int addWords(const VocabString *words,
			  VocabIndex *wids, unsigned int max);
    virtual unsigned int getIndices(const VocabString *words,
			    VocabIndex *wids, unsigned int max,
			    VocabIndex unkIndex = Vocab_None);
    virtual Boolean checkWords(const VocabString *words,
			       VocabIndex *wids, unsigned int max);
    static unsigned int parseWords(char *line,
				   VocabString *words, unsigned int max);

    static unsigned int length(const VocabIndex *words);
    static unsigned int length(const VocabString *words);
    static VocabIndex *copy(VocabIndex *to, const VocabIndex *from);
    static VocabString *copy(VocabString *to, const VocabString *from);
    static VocabIndex *reverse(VocabIndex *words);
    static Boolean contains(const VocabIndex *words, VocabIndex word);
    static VocabString *reverse(VocabString *words);
    static void write(File &file, const VocabString *words);

     *  Comparison of Vocabs and their sequences
    static int compare(VocabIndex word1, VocabIndex word2);
				/* order on word indices induced by Vocab */
    static int compare(VocabString word1, VocabString word2)
	{ return strcmp(word1, word2); };
    static int compare(const VocabIndex *word1, const VocabIndex *word2);
				/* order on word index sequences */
    static int compare(const VocabString *word1, const VocabString *word2);

    VocabIndexComparator compareIndex() const;
    VocabIndicesComparator compareIndices() const;
    Boolean ngramsInRange(VocabString *startRange, VocabString *endRange);

     * Miscellaneous
    virtual unsigned int read(File &file);
    virtual unsigned int readAliases(File &file);
    virtual void write(File &file, Boolean sorted = true) const;
    virtual void use() const { outputVocab = (Vocab *)this; }; // discard const

    virtual Boolean readIndexMap(File &file, Array<VocabIndex> &map,
						Boolean limitVocab = false);
    virtual void writeIndexMap(File &file);

    virtual void memStats(MemStats &stats) const;

    static Vocab *outputVocab;  /* implicit parameter to operator<< */

    static Vocab *compareVocab;	/* implicit parameter to compare() */
    LHash<VocabString,VocabIndex> byName;
    Array<VocabString> byIndex;
    VocabIndex nextIndex;
    VocabIndex maxIndex;

    LHash<VocabIndex, unsigned> nonEventMap;	/* set of non-event words */
    LHash<VocabIndex, unsigned> metaTagMap;	/* maps metatags to their type:
						   0	count total
						   1	single counts
						   N	count of count N */

    // hidden data members (accessed through virtual functions
    VocabIndex _unkIndex;		/* <unk> index */
    VocabIndex _ssIndex;		/* <s> index */
    VocabIndex _seIndex;		/* </s> index */
    VocabIndex _pauseIndex;		/* -pau- index */
    Boolean _unkIsWord;			/* consider <unk> a regular word */
    Boolean _toLower;			/* map word strings to lowercase */
    VocabString _metaTag;		/* meta-count tag */

ostream &operator<< (ostream &, const VocabString *words);
ostream &operator<< (ostream &, const VocabIndex *words);

class VocabIter
    VocabIter(const Vocab &vocab, Boolean sorted = false);
    void init();
    VocabString next() { VocabIndex index; return next(index); };
    VocabString next(VocabIndex &index);
    LHa........er<VocabString,VocabIndex> myIter;

 * We sometimes use strings over VocabIndex as keys into maps.
 * Define the necessary support functions (see Map.h, LHash.cc, SArray.cc).
static inline unsigned
LHash_hashKey(const VocabIndex *key, unsigned maxBits)
    unsigned i = 0;

     * The rationale here is similar to LHash_hashKey(unsigned),
     * except that we shift more to preserve more of the typical number of
     * bits in a VocabIndex.  The value was optimized to encoding 3 words
     * at a time (trigrams).
    for (; *key != Vocab_None; key ++) {
	i += (i << 12) + *key;
    return LHash_hashKey(i, maxBits);

static inline const VocabIndex *
Map_copyKey(const VocabIndex *key)
    VocabIndex *copy = new VocabIndex[Vocab::length(key) + 1];
    assert(copy != 0);

    unsigned i;
    for (i = 0; key[i] != Vocab_None; i ++) {
	copy[i] = key[i];
    copy[i] = Vocab_None;

    return copy;

static inline void
Map_freeKey(const VocabIndex *key)
    delete [] (VocabIndex *)key;

static inline Boolean
LHash_equalKey(const VocabIndex *key1, const VocabIndex *key2)
    unsigned i;
    for (i = 0; key1[i] != Vocab_None && key2[i] != Vocab_None; i ++) {
	if (key1[i] != key2[i]) {
	    return false;
    if (key1[i] == Vocab_None && key2[i] == Vocab_None) {
	return true;
    } else {
	return false;
static inline int
SArray_compareKey(const VocabIndex *key1, const VocabIndex *key2)
    unsigned int i = 0;

    for (i = 0; ; i++) {
	if (key1[i] == Vocab_None) {
	    if (key2[i] == Vocab_None) {
		return 0;
	    } else {
		return -1;	/* key1 is shorter */
	} else {
	    if (key2[i] == Vocab_None) {
		return 1;	/* key2 is shorted */
	    } else {
		int comp = SArray_compareKey(key1[i], key2[i]);
		if (comp != 0) {
		    return comp;	/* they differ at pos i */

#endif /* _Vocab_h_ */
Thanks for your tips. but It takes a while to me to understand it. so I already Thank for everything.