I was ssh'ing into a UNIX pod (at stanford university) through my lap top in X11. Everything was going great. Then I had to close my computer and reopen X11. This time, it said my memory storage quota was exceeded. So I deleted some email on my stanford account.
However, this time , I had trouble opening emacs from x11. It kept saying
"X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication." and "erorr in locking authority file....[my file name].Xauthority"

How do I fix this authority authentication error? I even went to the computer lab at my school and I couldn't log onto the machines there? it gave me this error:

"The GNOME session manager was unable to lock the file '/afs/ir/users/l/i/lizb1/.iCE authority.' please report htis as a GNOME bug. Sometimes this error may occur if the file's directory is unwritable.."

What do I do? I wanted to turn in my program by midnight !