Hey, I remember joining this forum days after 9/11 happened, I remember the planes crashing into the twin towers and me deciding to become a game programmer, because, in my child-like mind, I thought contributing more games would help people since games enriched my life. I grew up on this forum. I was 11 or so when I joined, now I'm 30. Are any of the oldbies still around? You all helped raise me, I remember spamming the hell out of General Discussions and you guys taught me that spam wasn't okay. I just wanted to catch up. Are any of my old friends here? This forum taught me the importance of programming and it'd be the place to go when I was feeling bad when I was a kid. Just look at my join date--I'm not kidding :P. I hope all of you have been well. I'm glad to see this forum is still up and running. It's my childhood. I mean, it was such a long time ago that I was programming in 13h mode on Borland Turbo C++ 3.1.
__asm { mov ax, 13h
int 10h }
What are you all up to these days?

Thank you all for keeping this forum going.