A bit of a long post. Sorry guys

I've watched the three debates with an increasing level of disinterest. On this last one (with them all starting at 2am over here) I've even snoozed through the last part. I must claim at this point my most sincere sympathy towards you Americans for having to choose between these two insanely ridiculous representatives of the American elite. No matter what happens on election day, you will be ruled for the next 4 years by lesser people that in no way imaginable represent the great tradition of American politics and leadership.

The Republican Party: I cannot even start to imagine what's going through the heads of the party barons. Hillary is such a weak opponent, with so many exploitable flaws and such an exploitable past, that anyone other than that Trump monkey would smash through her on their way to presidency. The fact that through the last years the GOP allowed itself to become a conglomerate of right-wing parties and ultra-conservative politics, including such extremes as the Tea Party, would invariably result in this; unwittingly endorsing an anti-system candidate that took the rug under the GOP feet. Could have worked, if not for the fact he's also a moronic arsehole and with such atavistic look on the domestic and world issues, that gives rise to a new categorization in politics; An Anti-Presidendent. The only saving grace is that Hillary may become one of the few presidents to not get a second term. The GOP has 4 years to clean house and return to their roots, instead of the extreme conservative right-wing thinking that has been making a mockery of them. Lincoln must be weeping on his grave.

The Democratic Party: Trump is a lost opportunity like the democratic party will probably never have again. Instead of consolidating their strength with a strong candidate that could stomp through the campaign and secure a rise of the Democratic Party, they reduce themselves with possibly the weakest and most controversial candidate in decades, that can't even, just for starters, capitalize on the Republicans mistake. Not happy with that, they also put up for presidency a candidate that has more dirt in her than the Criminal Justice Library. Not just that, but Hillary represents what a whole lot of Americans (and the world in general) most despises in politics (and the Democratic party once, a log time ago, despised too); the grooming and exclusive elitism that has gone into it. It's incredible to see the transformation this party has gone through, from a champion of the working class and refuter of crony politics, to its complete opposite that today does not represent even in the slightest the working class in the country and it's hated by a good part of it.

The system: Is rigged like Trump says. Just not what he meant. It's rigged by a clannish attitude towards politics that the population seems to tolerate with brothers succeding brothers, sons theirs fathers and wives their husbands. I suggest perhaps for the Americans to cut through the crap and just reinstate a monarchy. Makes it more convincing. It's rigged because of the enshrouding of political programs, achieved by the over-exposition of hypocritical morals or anything else that can cut through a political campaign and question the person instead of the program. It's rigged by a media that the population tolerates and thinks is perfectly normal to openly endorsing candidates. It's rigged by its shamelessly official and openly nourished bipartisanship that doesn't even allow for other candidates to participate on public debates. It's rigged by the hundreds of millions of dollars coming from groups of interest that are allowed to feed with almost no limitations each political campaign and their insatiable hunger for the media circus. These interest groups become then the chief source of political ideology.

None of this would matter, if not for the influence the USA still exerts on the world, economically, militarily and politically. Without that importance the USA political landscape as seen today would be seen just like another comical and tragic curiosity, the likes of Chechen Republic or Philippines. The type of countries that make the rest of the world feel better about themselves. But that is not the case. The constant social and political degradation in USA is not a source of laughter, but of deep concern to anyone who has been paying attention to the world for the last 30 years and how it is shaping at the turn of the century. The rise and consolidation of the Eastern powers, the re-birth of religious extremism like we haven't seen since the time of the Crusades, the slow and decaying meltdown of the financial system that is dragging our economies into a precipice, all this is harder to swallow when we witness at the same time the corruption and degradation of the Western society, championed by its once chief muse, the USA.

We are ending the days of peace. And we are walking into a new world order. We are being ineffectual in our ability to bring out and show the rest of the world the best democracy has to offer and at the same time are systematically demolishing the capitalist edifice that was so hard to build. And we are giving the main stage over to our enemies for the next age of men. History is not without one other case in which we purposely walked ourselves into a dark age. And like with those times, we are still being ruled by men and women that decide our faith and not us that decide theirs. Democracy is the big lie that we all chose to believe. Or perhaps chose to corrupt. The jury is out.

Hillary is the lesser of the evils in that presidential campaign going on the USA. And why she's most probably become the next president. But she's not a safe port. She represents exactly the type of leadership that today permeates our decaying democracy; That of Politics reduced to the management of things. We are a long way from the great leaders of the past that understood Politics to have a much broader and fundamental reach in human societies. It's by far not just a problem in the USA, it's all over the world and in particular in Europe.

Hillary public and open anti-Russian speech is perhaps the most troubling aspect of her personality. Her speech serves no one's interest in a world which is loosing its grip on what little stability we had since WW II and that permitted the economic growth we experienced. It only serves Russia's elite which capitalizes on it every single day on their own crooked media as a means to validate their staying in power. And thanks to the new anti-Russian rhetoric all over the world, this elite has been experience a surge in popularity among its citizens and has reduced opposition to almost a nothing. Hillary doesn't understand Russia, despite what history has taught us of this country time and time and time again.

This is the new and troubling aspect of today's politics in the USA. Everything else in this campaign seems secondary to me. We know she serves the Democratic Party regime for economic and financial policies. So we know what to expect of her domestic policies; a continued slow degradation of economic growth, a rising debt, continued loss of jobs, aggravation of social disparities. We also know this woman very well from those 30 years of service she flaunts about without a second thought to their terrible legacy. We know she's a crook and we don't need no wikileaks to tell us that. We know she's being hypocritical about the whole sex tapes issue, as the vast majority of the political society is in a country where top sex houses and escort services have as chief customers the political and top business societies and in a country where a large part of the population is uneducated and sports a high percentage of domestic violence and rape crimes. That is America, Mrs. Clinton, just so you know before next time you claim that Trump sexism and misogyny is not what America is.

But new new is the troubling thought of a presidential candidate having an irresponsible and dangerous war rethoric.