The last major scientific breakthrough was made in 1905 by Albert Einstein (Golden year for physics). Ever since it has been pretty dull. World population has increased several times since which suggests an increase in probability of finding another genius like Einstein. But unfortunately, it hasn't happened yet.
I am wondering what could be the possible explanation behind this?
  1. Are we getting dumber?
  2. Talented folks just couldn't find the right environment (modern stressful society / education system) to show their creativity? It should be worth noting that Einstein's significant work came when he was doing a boring clerical job.

So where are the Einsteins, Ramanujans, Bohrs, Turings, etc., ?
An answer to this question would help us solve another major question that has haunted us: "Where is everyone?" We need more geniuses to answer such great questions / science mysteries IMHO.