Hi all, especially those that remember me.
If you've been wondering where I went, basically I became a dad, and then priorities changed, then my marriage fell apart.

I used to post here practically every day for quite a while, but I've made maybe just a couple of visits here in the last year. I have all but ended providing my time on here.

Although I still have a passion for programming and are happily employed as such, I no longer have time for it outside of work. I can solve any programming problem I care to solve, efficiently and elegantly, and my focus these days is more on design. I.e. don't just solve the problem the right way, but solve the right problem. Even that yucky customer requirements sort of thing, not just code design.
I also have to confess that I'm also kind of becoming one with C# these days too, though C++ is still what I love the most.

However, I'm quite a different person now after what I've been through. I'm starting to do the things in my life that to me were always just things I wanted to do some day in the future. My life focus is now on getting out there and doing fun stuff, meeting cool people, and hopefully one day finding a new life partner. I'm 37 now.

I guess I came here to say goodbye. I learnt a lot from you all; never stop learning!