Quote Originally Posted by phantomotap View Post

I said "universally" not "where financially responsible" or "where good public relations".

I want you to do me a favor. Think how much money the United States, and other, governments waste on financially irresponsible endeavors. Image just how much private entities could do with that? You got that? Billions of dollars to solve problems however you like, right? Are you imaging those funds for me? Good. Now add hungry investors to your visions. Still with me, yeah? Now, do you repair and repave a four mile stretch of road which is only used by four families? No. You don't. That isn't in any conceivably way a sound investment. The potential for toll is trivial. The implied workforce and income is just too small. You'd be dismissed for such a ridiculous waste of money without a plan for expansion/recouping already active. The support of the extremely diminished, the fringe, with such complex and expensive machinery is financial suicide.

Look, I don't care about your politics. I don't care about your "beliefs". I don't care about your religion, race, sex, sexuality, or gender identity. I also don't care for paying taxes, but you'll always find me on the side of taxes as much as I personally find them painful. You'll always have cynical bastards like me around causing "Tax Protesters"--as Will1 names--problems because I know good and well that people are not going support the fringe even as well as done by governments out of the goodness of mankind. I don't like taxation, but I am for taxation all the same. Forcing a lot of people to give a little is wrong in so many ways, but forcing a lot of people to give a little is at least an interim solution which has that if otherwise for nothing.

(Also, I don't care if you don't want to support the fringe. Again, I'm cynical by default; someone not wanting to support the fringe is nothing I don't assume so anyone offering that isn't telling me anything I don't already assume.)

I poorly worded "You talk about liberals claiming to have answers?".

That would have better been "You talk about the argument that liberals claim to have answers?" or similar.

With all of that out of the way, let me tell you the real problem. You talk about liberals claiming to have answers? I don't have but one, and it is do extremely simple as to be self-evident. People are so afraid of change, holding to the current, that we take decades to move beyond crappy ideas. Look at your political promises from all directions: most are some flavor of "We will keep things the same." or "We will return to the good old days.". Nonsense. Idiocy. As far as I'm concerned, there isn't a dimes worth of difference between liberals and conservatives, republicans and democrats, or jeffersonians and whigs. To me, all a bunch of nuts too afraid to try an idea on and admit it was wrong when it goes pear.

If the families have such a vested interest in preserving the road, it seems like they would take the steps to do so.

But yeah, most of the stuff you said was undeniable. No political philosophy is science, and the people who promote those positions have a vested interested in never appearing wrong, in addition to the normal confirmation bias.