Quote Originally Posted by Matticus View Post
Myself and most of my peers have decent education, our own houses for living, cars to get to work to make that living, food in the pantry, hobbies to keep entertained, etc. Looking at things as a current snapshot, things seem pretty nice.

If it sounds like I'm agreeing with you, I'm actually not. Sure, nobody I know is "stuck in line at a soup kitchen". We have lots of important things. But most of those things aren't really paid for. We are indentured by debt. Prices for things have increased at a much faster rate than income has increased (even just looking at the past half a century). It's a structured system, ensuring that we will always be milked for "interest" in addition to the nominal costs of things. All it would take is a few months of being out of (professional-paying) work for all that debt to consume someone and leave them with nothing ... except waiting on line at a soup kitchen.

(I'm not complaining about having to pay interest on loans, mind you - I understand that. It's the artificial inflation of basic necessities in order to keep us in debt that I'm criticizing.)
You know, centuries ago the sort of luxuries that we take for granted would have been considered a royal upgrade, to say the least. I think it's fair to say that we are currently living in the most prosperous time of all history. We now have the basic knowledge to improve our own lives as a species, not to mention all of the comforts and diversions that come along with it.

As for the never-ending politics, well, that won't change so long as money can be spent to wield influence (never gonna happen). If you really feel that a change is needed then get involved in local council meetings, write your congressman, create a petition, or something. Anything. Just stop complaining about it and be proactive, that's all I'm saying.