Thread: A life question.. What to do next?

  1. #1
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    A life question.. What to do next?

    I have been producing things in PCs for 10 years. First web design, then programming, a while back SEO. Now I don't know what to do next.

    I made more then $1 million from a few websites thanks to God. Got a few national awards in competitions. In past my motivation was money or interest but now its not.

    After begin computer science in university, I realized that I am not really enjoying programming or learning programming. I enjoy producing things that are valuable or big. I enjoy the process of producing and seeing the outcome I guess. I don't like learning programming related things for the sake of programming.

    When I need to do achieve something in my project, I search about it and I learn how to reach to that. Either I do it myself or find someone else's work and apply it. I don't care about programming itself.

    I think this is because I realized that if I start a career as software engineer, the company I work for will make much more money than I do from my work. Meanwhile I do the hard work for them. They will just manage me, set deadlines, provide safe and fun environment etc. but the bigger piece of the pie will belong to them.

    Also, I will think my ** off for little details that doesn't matter in the big picture. But if I use my energy on bringing the parts together instead of working on little details I feel like outcome for me will be much more great. I don't know if this is a delusion or not

    Considering that I can't just be happy programming, and I don't know where to go.

    Recently I tried to produce some things in iOS environment but I really got bored and stop. However, I remember I was spending 14 hours on a computer learning ASP in past.

    I feel like the best thing I can do is to be patient for 2 years to finish my uni. Meanwhile I make more friends that could be my coworkers in future. After I finish uni, I work on my projects for a couple of years. If things go bad financially, I focus on programming again and start working as a software engineer.

    Can you share some thoughts that could be helpful?

  2. #2
    misoturbutc Hodor's Avatar
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    Go to Hawaii -- I hear it's nice there but probably too "touristy". Cuba might be ok?

  3. #3
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    It sounds like you want to be a project manager, instead of just a programmer, "bringing the parts together".

    Finish uni, then work as a programmer for a couple years, where the company has a good chance of hiring project developers. Then go for that.

    The big companies will make the big money, but they're also the one's making the big investments, at a high risk. I'd be mindful of the risk if you decide to go solo, and roll the dice with your own projects. "Snake Eyes", can be devastating.

  4. #4
    (?<!re)tired Mario F.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack Pippin View Post
    I made more then $1 million from a few websites thanks to God. Got a few national awards in competitions. In past my motivation was money or interest but now its not. [...]
    When I need to do achieve something in my project, I search about it and I learn how to reach to that. Either I do it myself or find someone else's work and apply it. I don't care about programming itself. [...]I think this is because I realized that if I start a career as software engineer, the company I work for will make much more money than I do from my work. Meanwhile I do the hard work for them.[..] They will just manage me, set deadlines, provide safe and fun environment etc. but the bigger piece of the pie will belong to them.

    Can you share some thoughts that could be helpful?
    Well, for one I don't think God had anything to do with your million dollars. If he helped you, then I'm beefed at him for not helping me get 1 million dollars too. I'm a good person. Really I am. I'm a bit on the tempestuous side. Blood boils quickly you know. Mom used to say I took from my grandfather. Can't help it. But that's no sin, is it? I do try to fight it and all that jazz. But Job apartheid is probably not in God's agenda. But, who knows. They say he works in mysterious ways... let me tell you, in extremely mysterious ways.

    Much like you do in fact. Your post makes little sense, as I try to make you realize with the quote. Let me break it to you, 1-million-dollar man, it's really not hard work to use other people's code. Not that I'm saying anything against it. If it's there, if you have authorization, explicitly, or implicitly through its copyleft, or lack thereof of any copyright, you should probably do it. No need to reinvent the wheel. That's pretty much how everyone programs these days. For the most part we are all playing Lego. But it's not hard work. So, don't feel so bad because you won't be doing the hard work while your boss rips the benefits.

    Maybe you should start your own company. You will be the boss ripping all benefits and your employees doing all the work, as you say. That probably should be a little more fair. And it will, in fact. Because by then you will realize that's how it goes. What benefit there will be in investing and racking your mind over running a company if you have the same financial treatment of your cleaning lady who does a whole lot of hard work cleaning up after your programmers, working way even before they get to the office and well after they leave? Or maybe you should move to a socialist country... oh, scratch that. Even the Chinese learned it just doesn't work that way.

    And if you get your second one million dollars, don't thank God. God really doesn't help people getting one million dollars, or becoming successful pop singers, or scoring three goals against Real Madrid. You'd soon get a revolt if he did. He couldn't be such a bastard, could he? 'course not.

    (Besides I really like Real Madrid and I'd hate to learn god is one of them Barcelona monkeys)
    Last edited by Mario F.; 12-27-2013 at 03:18 AM.
    Originally Posted by brewbuck:
    Reimplementing a large system in another language to get a 25% performance boost is nonsense. It would be cheaper to just get a computer which is 25% faster.

  5. #5
    Unregistered User Yarin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mario F. View Post
    That's pretty much how everyone programs these days. For the most part we are all playing Lego.
    And that explains the state of today's software.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2005
    At this phase in your life it's clear that the only prudent thing for you to do is to purchase a $40,000.00 CNC machine so you** can build model boats.

    ** I
    I'm not immature, I'm refined in the opposite direction.

  7. #7
    and the hat of int overfl Salem's Avatar
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    Since the OP has never bothered to login again, y'all might be wasting your breath.
    If you dance barefoot on the broken glass of undefined behaviour, you've got to expect the occasional cut.
    If at first you don't succeed, try writing your phone number on the exam paper.

  8. #8
    Registered User MutantJohn's Avatar
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    Lol Mario I'm surprised you're shocked that web developers aren't really talented coders but they're rich. Facebook isn't worth so much because it pushes the envelope of Javascript or w/e it uses, it's popular because it's what people want. Amazon provides a good service, MySpace used to be a thing. Email is useful. None of these things are all that hard to code from the scientific perspective.

    Heck, you could probably make $1,000,000 from $5 worth of work just so long as you chose the right thing to make a website out of. Like, is YouTube really that hard to code? Make search bar, have videos, boom, you're rich because it's what people want.

    And meanwhile, the kernel developers aren't getting their millions. Such is the world we live in... I think the way in which we distribute wealth is odd and isn't prioritized properly which is to say that yes, I do think the free market does it wrong because all it cares about is profits while I'm some hippie who analyzes what we need to be successful as a species and want to distribute wealth based on that model. "You mean, movie stars don't needs tens of millions of dollars but impoverished schools and areas do?" Yes, that is exactly what I mean. Sad as it is to say, Taylor Swift is not changing the world... T_T

  9. #9
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    I made more then $1 million from a few websites thanks to God.
    Well first thing is if you are not happy with your million then send it to me and I will make it some happy money. I would not want you to have unhappy money.

    I think this is because I realized that if I start a career as software engineer, the company I work for will make much more money than I do from my work
    Yep. Welcome to software engineering. Sometimes you think of it, you design it, you implement it and others cash in big. Software engineers in general are terrible at marketing. We do not understand how valuable our skills are and we don't market them well. But its not all bad. Software engineer is a very satisfying career if you really want it to be. You get out of it what you put into it. Some people are content to stay at one level for their entire career. Others move up the ladder and onto different things. Some move out of the career entirely. I think its the same as any other career.

    The programmer’s wife tells him: “Run to the store and pick up a loaf of bread. If they have eggs, get a dozen.”
    The programmer comes home with 12 loaves of bread.
    Hehe. Nice. Sorry had to comment on that.

    Since the OP has never bothered to login again, y'all might be wasting your breath.
    Probably so but I chimed in anyways for what it is worth.

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