Quote Originally Posted by Nominal Animal View Post
If she fabricated or exaggerated the claims, don't you think she too should be punished -- socially ostracized like the accused rapist?
Yes, she should. I agree.
This is not matters that are to be taken lightly. Lying about rape attempts is bad. Putting blame on someone innocent is even worse.
Of course, if the event really did happen, it would be wrong not to point it out.

Newspeak and PC already perverts our minds enough that we cannot see that genders are naturally equal even while different. Instead of imposing Harrison Bergeron-like social hobbles and limits and rules in order to "equalize" everyone, we could just accept people are equal. Period. No matter what their gender, capabilities, features, or social importance.
I know what you mean. Ideally, this should work, but in reality, it does not always work.