Before I give my thoughts on the subject, I'm going to lay out three different news items:

1. Sexism Still a Problem At E3: both genders complaining about 'booth babes'.
2. Security Researcher Attacked While At Conference: title speaks for itself.
3. SendGrid Fires Employee After Firestorm Over Inappropriate Jokes: a feminist at PyCon ruins her and others careers because she didn't like a joke about 'dongles' and 'forking'.

Supposed attacker's comments: Fernando Gont's Blog: Lies, nuts, and the quest for attention
#3 opinions from all sides:
A Dongle Joke That Spiraled Way Out Of Control | TechCrunch
MEN-FACTOR: Adria Richards Rips Loud One at Tech Conference
Adria Richards did everything exactly right » Pharyngula

On #1:
The complaint is basically against the presence of Hooters-like girls at tech conferences. The argument is that a great deal of gamers are women now, so why are they using women to market their games? I don't really understand the problem here, the majority of gamers are still men. The entire world uses women to market things to men and vice-versa. I don't see anyone complaining about bikini babes at car shows etc. If the complaint is that bikini babes make women in the tech industry look incapable, then prove the world wrong by programming something great, not by crying on your blog.

On #2:
Your basic he-said she-said situation where one guy at a conference supposedly attacked a woman at a conference, and as far as I can tell no charges were filed even with the aid of hotel security camera footage.

On #3:
A confirmed feminist overhears two men talking about sexual references and decides to publicly shame them on twitter, causing all 3 of them to get fired. At a tech conference or not, men make dirty jokes. As I understand it, there's no indication, even by her, that these comments were towards her, i.e. nothing like "I want to 'fork' her" was said. They weren't even talking to her in the first place.

My concluding thoughts:
Having grown up a geeky "beta" male, I know and remember how they think. The basic thought is that if I kiss woman butt and show them how much I respect them, they'll date me. This is exactly what is happening when something like the above comes out in the news: thousands of men blog about how the woman is so right etc., hoping that other women will see that they respect women and maybe they can touch something besides their hand for a while.
I am so sick of hearing about stuff like this in the news. If anything, the problem is that women like these are using what I mentioned above to gain notoriety and it's actually passing as news. Adria Richards and the aforementioned security researcher definitely have a lot to gain personally by bringing these stories into the public eye.

Anyway, give your opinion on the subject and/or these articles.