I started experiencing panic attacks a few years ago. After going to the hospital and doctors repeatedly I have now learned how to control them. The attacks, however, have caused my heart to experience palpitations and I am on medication for that....primarily b/c it affects my life not because they are dangerous. I've had PVCs or pre-ventricular contractions while on the heart monitor at the hospital while talking to the doctor and they thought nothing of them. Over 90% of the population has them and 100% have them at one time or another. The problem is that PVCs make it feel as if your heart skips a beat when it actually adds a beat. This then can lead to the onset of a panic attack.

The main thing to do in a panic attack is to get up (if you are sitting down at your computer) and do something else. Try to concentrate on something else or perhaps call someone or talk to someone. This will engage your brain and get your mind off of the attack. My first panic attack happened when I was concentrating in building a model in Blender and I think I simply concentrated myself into a mess. Since then I have learned to take frequent breaks and when I feel one coming on I tell myself what it is repeatedly. I know they are not dangerous and so I tell myself this to get my brain to believe it. If your heart rate skyrockets the best thing I can tell you to do is scrunch down on your feet and wrap your arms around your knees and sit there. You can also cough a bit. All of this changes the pressure in your chest and your heart will react accordingly. My first panic attack my BP was 195 / 98 with a 155 heart rate. It is essentially like you are exercising except you are not. I recommend you stay away from caffeine at all costs b/c it is known to causes these types of symptoms in certain people...and at certain times in their lives.

If anyone else experiences this make sure you go to the doctor and get all appropriate checks done. Strokes and TIAs also exhibit very similar symptoms to panic attacks. NEVER self diagnose yourself and think everything is ok without going through all the appropriate tests. I have gone through stress tests, heart monitors, CT scans, EKGs, and Echocardiograms so I know firsthand I do not have any signs of blood clots or heart disease. In my instance it comes down to a mental thing that I can control and no longer fear. In most cases this is true but just in case....always go to the doctor. This is probably the number one cause of ER visits in middle aged males so do not feel bad if you go to the ER and nothing is wrong.