Quote Originally Posted by Salem View Post
400+ lines of unindented code - no thanks!

Here, read this
SourceForge.net: Indentation - cpwiki
oh geez, sorry that my formatting was messed up while pulling this code of my gmail drive.....
#include <stdio.h> 
#include <math.h> 
#define PI 3.14159 
int main(void) 
double sum, first_Num, sec_Num, third_Num, diff, product, quotient, srt, area, rad1, rad2, base, height; 
int choice, selection; 
                printf("\nChoose what calculation to perform\n"); 
                printf("\t1 - Addition\n"); 
                printf("\t2 - Subtration\n"); 
                printf("\t3 - Multiplication\n"); 
                printf("\t4 - Division\n"); 
                printf("\t5 - Square Root\n"); 
                printf("\t6 - Exponents\n"); 
                printf("\t7 - Absolute Value\n"); 
                printf("\t8 - Area of Shapes\n"); 
                printf("(Enter a zero to exit) \n"); 
                printf("\nMake a selection: "); 
                scanf("%d", &choice); 
                switch (choice) 
                        case 1:  
                                printf("\nEnter first number: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                printf("Enter second number: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &sec_Num); 
                                sum = first_Num + sec_Num; 
                                printf("\nThe sum of %.4f and %.4f is %.4f\n\n", first_Num, sec_Num, sum); 
                        case 2: 
                                printf("\nEnter first number: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                printf("Enter second number: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &sec_Num); 
                                diff = first_Num - sec_Num; 
                                printf("\nThe difference of %.4f and %.4f is %.4f\n\n", first_Num, sec_Num, diff); 
                        case 3: 
                                printf("\nEnter first number: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                printf("Enter second number: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &sec_Num); 
                                product = first_Num * sec_Num; 
                                printf("\nThe product of %.4f and %.4f is %.4f\n\n", first_Num, sec_Num, product); 
                        case 4: 
                                printf("\nEnter first number: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                printf("Enter second number: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &sec_Num); 
                                quotient = first_Num / sec_Num; 
                                printf("\nThe quotient of %.4f and %.4f is %.4f\n\n", first_Num, sec_Num, quotient); 
                        case 5: 
                                printf("\nEnter number: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &srt); 
                                        while (srt <= 0) 
                                               printf("ERROR!! Value must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                        printf("Enter number: "); 
                                                        scanf("%lf", &srt); 
                                               printf("\nThe square root of %.4f is %.4f\n", srt, sqrt(srt)); 
                        case 6: 
                                printf("\nEnter base number: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                printf("Enter exponent: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &sec_Num); 
                                printf("\n%.4f to the power of %.4f is %.4f\n\n", first_Num, sec_Num, pow(first_Num, sec_Num)); 
                        case 7: 
                                printf("\nEnter number: "); 
                                scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                printf("\nThe absolute value of %.4f is %.4f\n\n", first_Num, fabs(first_Num)); 
                        case 8: 
                                        printf("\nFIND THE AREA OF A SHAPE\n\n"); 
                                        printf("Which shape?\n"); 
                                        printf("\t1 - Square\n"); 
                                        printf("\t2 - Rectangle\n"); 
                                        printf("\t3 - Parallelogram\n"); 
                                        printf("\t4 - Trapezoid\n"); 
                                        printf("\t5 - Circle\n"); 
                                        printf("\t6 - Ellipse\n"); 
                                        printf("\t7 - Triangle\n"); 
                                        printf("\t8 - Go back to previous menu\n"); 
                                        printf("\nMake a selection: "); 
                                        scanf("%d", &selection); 
                                                switch (selection) 
                                                        case 1:  
                                                                printf("\nArea Of A Square\n"); 
                                                                printf("\nEnter length of a side of the square: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                                                while (first_Num <= 0) 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter length of a side of the square: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                                                area = first_Num * first_Num; 
                                                                printf("\nThe area of a square with a side of %.4f is %.4f\n\n", first_Num, area); 
                                                        case 2: 
                                                                printf("\nArea Of A Rectangle\n"); 
                                                                printf("\nEnter width: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                                                while (first_Num <=0) 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter width: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                                                printf("Enter height: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &sec_Num); 
                                                                while(sec_Num <= 0) 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter height: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &sec_Num); 
                                                                area = first_Num * sec_Num; 
                                                                printf("\nThe area of a rectagle with sides of %.4f and %.4f is %.4f\n\n", first_Num, sec_Num, area); 
                                                        case 3: 
                                                                printf("\nArea Of A Parallelogram"); 
                                                                printf("\nEnter base: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                                                while (first_Num <=0) 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter base: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                                                printf("\nEnter height: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &sec_Num); 
                                                                while(sec_Num <= 0) 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter height: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &sec_Num); 
                                                                area = first_Num * sec_Num; 
                                                                printf("\nThe area of a parallelogram with sides of %.4f and %.4f is %.4f\n\n", first_Num, sec_Num, area); 
                                                        case 4: 
                                                                printf("\nArea Of A Trapezoid"); 
                                                                printf("\nEnter base-1: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                                                while (first_Num <=0) 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter base-1: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &first_Num); 
                                                                printf("\nEnter base-2: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &sec_Num); 
                                                                while(sec_Num <= 0) 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter base-2: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &sec_Num); 
                                                                printf("\nEnter height: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &third_Num); 
                                                                while(third_Num <= 0) 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter height: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &third_Num); 
                                                                area = (third_Num/2) * (first_Num + sec_Num); 
                                                                printf("\nThe area of a trapezoid with a base-1 of %.4f, a base-2 %.4f, and a height of %.4f is %.4f\n\n", first_Num, sec_Num, third_Num, area); 
                                                        case 5: 
                                                                printf("\nArea Of A Circle\n"); 
                                                                printf("\nEnter the radius: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &rad1); 
                                                                while(rad1 <= 0) 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter the radius: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &rad1); 
                                                                area = (rad1 * rad1) * PI; 
                                                                printf("The area of a circle with a radius of %.4f is %.4f\n\n", rad1, area); 
                                                        case 6: 
                                                                printf("\nArea Of An Ellipse"); 
                                                                printf("\nEnter radius-1: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &rad1); 
                                                                while(rad1 <= 0) 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter radius-1: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &rad1); 
                                                                printf("\nEnter radius-2: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &rad2); 
                                                                while(rad2 <= 0) 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter radius-2: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &rad2); 
                                                                area = (rad1 * rad2) * PI; 
                                                                printf("The area of an ellipse with a radius-1 of %.4f and a radius-2 of %.4f is %.4f", rad1, rad2, area); 
                                                        case 7: 
                                                                printf("\nArea Of A Triangle"); 
                                                                printf("\nEnter base: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &base); 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter base: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &base); 
                                                                printf("Enter height: "); 
                                                                scanf("%lf", &height); 
                                                                        printf("ERROR!! Distance must be a positive number\n\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Enter height: "); 
                                                                        scanf("%lf", &height); 
                                                                area = (base * height) / 2; 
                                                                printf("The area of a triangle with a base of %.4f and a height of %.4f is %.4f", base, height, area); 
                                                                if (selection !=8) 
                                                                        printf("\nYour selection was not from the menu\n"); 
                                                                        printf("Please try again.\n\n"); 
                                while (selection != 8); 
                                if (choice != 0) 
                                        printf("\nYour selection was not from the menu\n"); 
                                        printf("Please try again.\n\n"); 
        while (choice != 0); 
return (0); 