What sort of job to take is not a question I can easily answer. I don't really know how I ended up in the field I did, it was mostly accidental, but I do know that I love doing it and I'm happy with it. I guess my meta-advice would be, to never reject a possibility at the first thought, to imagine not only what a given job can provide you with at the moment but how it will influence your future.

When interviewing or otherwise interacting with potential employers, NEVER self deprecate. When talking about salary, ask for the highest number you think you could reasonably get (without seeming crazy). The interview is NOT the time for modesty.

If the interviewer, or somebody else at the company, gives you a bad vibe, walk. You're in a position to do that right now. Fresh from school, no family to support, you have the freedom to say no. That'll change once you get more settled. Take advantage of it now.

I'd say 90% of companies are total hell holes. Watch out.