As an Extra class amateur radio operator, licensed in the USA for the last 20 years, I have some knowledge of these things. The Project 25 protocol, according to the wikipedia link, must fit in a 12.5KHz-wide channel. the data rate that can be sent through such a channel is limited by the laws of physics. there are formulae that can be used to calculate the maximum data rate with a given amount of bandwidth. I suggest you look it up. Broadband, according to your quoted definition (802.16-2004), is a signal with bandwidth that exceeds 1MHz. Since Project 25 is designed and licensed to use 1.25% of that bandwidth, logic alone, even ignoring technical data of any kind, would dictate that the data rate through such a channel would be greatly reduced, and "broadband speeds" would not be possible.

the facts are clear as day:

* the wider the bandwidth of a signal, the more prone to interference and data loss it will be.

* wireless broadband speeds do exist, but they require much greater bandwidth than Project 25 is licensed or intended to use.

* Project 25 does not employ a full-duplex signal, so retransmission of lost packets is impossible, because there is no way for the sender to know that a packet was not received successfully. it is very similar to the way UDP packets work over IP networks.

all of the things you "showed" are irrelevant and do not apply to Project 25 or any related protocols, nor are they relevant to public safety radio communications. the wide signals and high data rates you suggest would not be viable for that sort of communications.

finally, I'll point out that you're obviously trolling, and you have no intention of carrying on an intelligent conversation, and I'm beginning to suspect that you're simply incapable of that. it seems as if you don't even care about the subject matter. you simply want to start arguments, and have no interest in the facts. to this day, I have never seen a post from you that did not appear to be an attempt at trolling.

either be a useful, contributing member of this community, or go find a different forum to troll.