Thread: Zombie style attack in Miami Florida

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  1. #1
    Registered User Annonymous's Avatar
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    Zombie style attack in Miami Florida

    Some guy was shot by police while naked and eating another mans face. WTF? Is this the start of a zombie apocolypse?

    Here's a link Miami Police Shoot, Kill Man Eating Another Man’s Face « CBS Miami

  2. #2
    [](){}(); manasij7479's Avatar
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    "The zombie apocalypse survival guide" ebook has 100s of such (often verifiable) incidents on its from time immemorial to recent days.
    As there has been no apocalypse yet, so I recon it is quite safe.

  3. #3
    Registered User Annonymous's Avatar
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    Hey man, its not everyday some random naked guy eats another mans face off for no particular reason. Just saying.

  4. #4
    [](){}(); manasij7479's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Annonymous View Post
    Hey man, its not everyday some random naked guy eats another mans face off for no particular reason. Just saying.
    They are always covered up by the press to prevent mass panic !

  5. #5
    Programming Wraith GReaper's Avatar
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    So what?! There are so many animals on video feasting on humans, we don't call bears zombies, we don't call stray dogs/wolves zombies! Because it's a human? Humans are capable for much fouler things than animals, remember that.
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  6. #6
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    It has been determined it was due to a family of illegal drugs called 'bath salts' which is known to produce hallucinations and mess with the brain more than old school LSD. But after going through both Left 4 Dead games and Dead Island I am more than prepared for a zombie apocalypse. Now if I can just remember where I put all my health kits.....

  7. #7
    Officially An Architect brewbuck's Avatar
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    I've dealt with people in very unusual, serious mental states before (both mental illness and drugs), and although I've never seen anything like THAT happen, I can imagine how it could. It's obviously tragic what he did to another human being, but he paid the ultimate price for it already. But imagine the effect on his family of the particular way this is being covered in the news and the zombie analogies which keep getting drawn. I'd say chances are good that his immediate family is hopelessly and irreversibly destroyed by this. Seriously, the rest of their lives are permanently wrecked. It really, really sucks.
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  8. #8
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VirtualAce View Post
    It has been determined it was due to a family of illegal drugs called 'bath salts' which is known to produce hallucinations and mess with the brain more than old school LSD.
    Quote Originally Posted by brewbuck
    I've dealt with people in very unusual, serious mental states before (both mental illness and drugs), and although I've never seen anything like THAT happen, I can imagine how it could.
    Boo. Absolute worst kind of limpid mumbo-jumbo BS. Anyone who takes this kind of analysis seriously must be on drugs

    There are some very bad people in the world, and they occasionally do very bad things when they think they can get away with it (which this person probably thought he could*), because they are nasty, spiteful, evil, malicious people. This should not be confused with the issue of mental illness because it is not the same thing. Why not start feeling sorry for Hitler and his family because he wasn't really evil, he was just confused and deranged?

    I don't want to completely condone the cop who shot him to death, because I'm not sure that was necessary, but I would not completely condemn him either.

    I've been committed to psych wards, lived on the streets, and done plenty of drugs including absurd doses of hallucinogens and amphetamine, stuff you've never heard of, etc. People with mental problems and/or people who are too high can do very irrational, uncharacteristic things, but anyone who gets this brutally, viscerally violent was a real bad apple to start with and knew it; blaming it on anything other than the potential evil of the human mind is flat out apologizing for it.

    There's an endless list of atrocious behaviour carried out by completely rational, completely sober, self aware people in history, and our society is no exception to this. You do not have to look beyond that for an explanation unless you are afraid to recognize that those people are, in fact, completely rational, self-aware, sober and evil as they wannbe. Dollars to donuts it is not the first time he did something like this, it is just the first time he got caught.

    Quote Originally Posted by GReaper
    Humans are capable for much fouler things than animals, remember that.
    Something along those lines. We're way more capable of forethought, abstraction, inference, creativity/imagination, aesthetic acts, etc for sure, none of which are necessarily nice.

    * if he was on drugs, they could easily impede that part of his judgement beyond a point he was expecting, which would explain why he didn't get away with it/why his behavior was sloppy, but not why he did it. He did it because it was something he wanted to do.
    Last edited by MK27; 06-02-2012 at 03:28 PM.
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  9. #9
    Officially An Architect brewbuck's Avatar
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    MK27, I wasn't apologizing for this guy, I am saddened by the effect this is having on everyone who knew him. Not only did he go nuts, harm somebody, and get killed, he's "the zombie guy." That will follow those people for the rest of their lives.
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  10. #10
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brewbuck View Post
    MK27, I wasn't apologizing for this guy, I am saddened by the effect this is having on everyone who knew him. Not only did he go nuts, harm somebody, and get killed, he's "the zombie guy." That will follow those people for the rest of their lives.
    Now that is nuts. Don't feel sorry for the monster's friends, feel sorry for the guy who got his face chewed off. Think about who he gets to walk around as for the rest of his life.

    You are uncritically (really, really uncritically) towing the same line that the news media flunkey fluffheads have, because no one really cares about the case (or, it seems, the victim) enough to think about it seriously. But: this wacko, "Search for Bigfoot" level version of the story is titilating and sells cake. That may not be literally apologizing for the perpetrator, but I think it is downplaying the seriousness of the crime in a very significant way.

    Just because someone did something you or I would never do does not mean that person "went nuts". It may mean that person is not particularly bright, but being stupid is not the same as being mentally deranged. As for his family, the fact that his mom or whoever said, "I don't understand this, he was such a good boy!" is not worth the paper it is printed on. Of course they said that. I'm trying to imagine what he would have to do for someone to realize claiming he was a good person at heart maybe is a little ridiculous.

    A 67 year old janitor at an all girls school here (Toronto) intentionally cut the gas line on Friday, let it bleed for a long time, then went to help someone with a stove. Fortunately it didn't work out the way he planned but my point is, last week if you asked anyone there, "What do you think of Mr. Smith, the janitor?", they'd have said, "Oh, he's a good guy, nothing wrong with him". After all, he's not living under a bridge, right? Oddly enough, WRT to that story, I haven't seen any pseudo-journalists hitting the streets to get quotes from people saying "There was nothing wrong with Mr. Smith, how bizarre" now. Probably Mr. Smith's family will still say something like that given the chance, but honestly, who cares what they have to say?

    The first article I found on this focussed largely on the rapsheet of the victim (which AFAICT was actually on the lighter side of average for someone who has spent decades homeless), as if these were somehow significant details of the story. I'm sure if you google around, you'll find most of the news stories took this perverse angle. The next time someone is raped, are they going to publish that person's resume ("Oh look, she worked at Starbucks in 1997!"). So what?

    If this same person had instead killed a couple of pre-schoolers in a playground and lived, then said, "oh well, I was out of my mind on drugs, just look at my blood sample -- and remember, I was stark naked at the time. Surely that proves I was not responsible.", I don't think this feel-sorry-for-the-monster-and-his-family spin would be what you are seeing. What's going on right now is that people are being encouraged to identify with the perpetrator as a "normal guy who screwed up", that "it could have easily been you or someone you love" (BS -- which BTW that is literally apologizing for the perpetrator) and give little or no thought to the victim, because the victim belongs to a stereotype most "normal good people" consider repellent. If you don't feel sorry for homeless people normally, why would you give it two thoughts when they get their faces eaten off by the boy next door? To, me that is not symptomatic of a healthy or enlightened society. It's symtomatic of delusion and a lack of adult mental development.

    I don't doubt that is exactly the mentality this guy exploited most of his life (that he was just a normal guy), meaning he was niether stupid nor crazy. Again: what people are really afraid to think about is that there are normal, sane, seeming well adjusted, but evil, people around them who fantasize about committing violent acts on innocent people and who may one day act on those fantasies. What's really frightening about all this is the very real possibility (much more real, I think than the "crazy and on drugs" version) that this guy's friends and family knew very well he was a violent and nasty person and are now making fun and trying to garner sympathy for themselves and you are eating it up. Of course they want to act like they had no idea and are horrified. How would they look otherwise?

    Haven't seen that one but it seemed to me that Day of the Dead was a parody of a childish and delusional (ie, slightly insane) society .
    Last edited by MK27; 06-03-2012 at 06:14 AM.
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  11. #11
    Master Apprentice phantomotap's Avatar
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    I got the Red Jewel.

    I'm off to get me some Colt Python


  12. #12

  13. #13
    &TH of undefined behavior Fordy's Avatar
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    >>Haven't seen that one but it seemed to me that Day of the Dead was a parody of a childish and delusional society

    Nah, its about Zombies...

  14. #14
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    Whew! Just finished my SE exam

    And thot I'd take a few minutes to return to this, lol, since this is a great example of something I thought most people around here were too smart to fall for (very badly structured media hype). As it turns out:

    from Brevard Times: Miami Zombie Cannibal Smoked Pot, No Bath Salts Detected
    According to the Medical Examiner report, the department’s toxicology laboratory has identified the active components of marijuana. Officials say that the laboratory has tested for, but not detected, any other street drugs, alcohol or prescription drugs, or any adulterants found in street drugs. This includes cocaine, LSD, amphetamines (Extasy, Meth and others), phencyclidine (PCP or Angel Dust), heroin, oxycodone, Xanax, synthetic marijuana (Spice), and many other similar compounds.

    The Medical Examiner has ruled out the most common drugs found in “bath salts.” The department has also sought the assistance of an outside forensic toxicology reference laboratory, which has confirmed the absence of “bath salts,” synthetic marijuana and LSD.
    In other words, the whole "killer bath salts" frenzy that's been plastered on North American boob tubes for almost a month was more or less a COMPLETE HOAX. Here in Toronto, ever since then, I've seen repeated stories of events (read: someone in downtown Winnepeg got rowdy and arrested) from coast to coast which claimed "authorities believe bath salts may be involved". Who are these authorities? Close listening generally revealed:

    "A nurse at ______ Hospital said the victim may have been on bath salts, as he was acting crazy."

    "Constable _______ suspects a new terror drug, bath salts, are to blame."

    Which raises the question, how did this all start? Well, since the purp didn't have "bath salts", wasn't on "bath salts", according to aquantainces just smoked weed and drank, I guess it was casual conjecture by one person -- the cop.

    I'm not holding it against a police officer for making observations, having thoughts and opinions, etc. What I do find alarming is the ABSOLUTE INSANITY and COMPLETE, UTTERLY UNFOUNDED CREDULITY with which the media and general public seem to have swallowed their own malarky, hook, line and sinker.* Like: zero reasoning skills. Pathetic. Maybe everybody is on crazy drugs. You people need to smarten up

    So far NONE of the cases I mentioned from the Canadian news have turned out to be real either. They've even put big bags of white contraband siezed at the border on TV claiming "authorities believe this is it" -- but, then, it wasn't.

    Oh and PS: the zombie guy was no stranger to pot, so this was not a freak or adverse reaction. Ie. DRUGS WERE NOT RESPONSIBLE. It was a crime committed by a lunatic. In my experience, malovent/violent people who like marijuana are unusual, but they are not non-existent. Just creepy and freakish, lol.

    * And guaranteed what won't be on the news tonight: how news departments everywhere created an utter fabrication with no checking of facts, oversight, etc, - just "pass it on, the suckers gobble this tish up" and that all this nonsense they've spent millions broadcasting was exactly that. Pure superstition wins again.
    Last edited by MK27; 06-28-2012 at 01:28 PM.
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  15. #15
    Master Apprentice phantomotap's Avatar
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    I love that you edited to remove "sociopath" but left "It was a crime committed by a lunatic.".

    By the by (This isn't going to be a discussion I'm only stating that I'm amused; I'm not going to argue about this.), I find it funny that you are playing the "sheeple" card in defense of drugs while comment on the nature of "sheeple".

    Last edited by phantomotap; 06-28-2012 at 01:43 PM.

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