Most of the people operating my computer systems have their desktops set for single click... (who wouldn't ?)

Since upgrading everyone to Windows 7, we've been plagued by incomplete loads of webpages and hesitations in some browser fronted programs that we could not explain... For example: one in 4 or 5 times I would have to click refresh several times in IE to get this site to load completely.

It was driving us crazy...

Until the other day a new user joined one of the companie's I've written code for... in this case a browser driven interface was used. He called me up and said he was having trouble double clicking his desktop... So I went over there and he had set his machine for double clicks...

I sat in the office noticing all the failed page loads but his was working perfectly... ODD!

So I came home and did some experimenting with the mouse settings... What I found was that by lengthening the double click time the load problems cleared right up... Even on a single click desktop...

Now I have no utter idea how the double click timer affects page loads in IE... but there you have it... Maxing out the double click (longest time between clicks) clears up a long time problem with incomplete web page loads...

Go figure....