You guys really, really, need to sit over and get to terms on this closing threads policy. It's offensive, it's rude and quite frankly irritates me personally more than the actual flamewars you seem to see everywhere.

This post is not an aggression towards you moderators. It's a real point of concern of mine, a criticism, and a request for you to moderate your moderation. Allow us adults to discuss on our own terms. If something bothers you, do not use your moderator power to do what no other person on this forums can, unless you got a specific request to moderate a thread by one of the persons involved. And, for pete's sake, do not close threads without at least giving proper warning! What's this, a power trip!? I'm really sick of it.

I strongly reject this behavior. If this is behavior passed down to you by the webmaster, I strongly urge you to reconsider, regroup and realign. Especially when it comes to the General board, you must not make of these forums your personal playground. I respect ownership of the forums. I do. But I'm sure we can reach a happier compromise in which webmaster can retain control of how these forums behave and how they look to the outside, without that meaning moderators behaving like an authoritarian ethical movement for hyper sensitive mothers.

If a moderator doesn't like the course of a thread, don't read it. If you feel you should, place a warning things are getting out of hand. But don't use the close thread button as if you ride a high horse of moral and ethical behavior. There's nothing more rude than closing a thread off the bat. If you can't see this, you have no place being a moderator!