Thread: There we go again.

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher View Post
    You know what? I take out the guys to eat after words and then talk, I am told I will get vert far with this metoid
    AKA... Sucking Up... Your superiors may enjoy the free lunch... your co-workers will resent you for it.

    Your turingin this in to an aguemnt that I dont want a part of so I'm not going to repsoned anymore to this
    Did you happen to notice that you're the only one arguing? The rest of us are engaged in a real conversation.

  2. #32
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    Yes, the TOS does say many things and I believe that the intent of the TOS is being met. There was a time where there were changes to status based on post count, such as being able to edit things and there was a heirarchy around that. However, I believe that has gone the way of the dodo, and hence doesn't really carry to much weight anymore.

    These days, the rule mainly applies to "Me too" types of responses. As for the bumping old threads part of that; that is mainly obselete as well due to the auto thread locking that was instituted.
    The auto locking thing was me being to lazy just to get that one segment by it self
    Oh man I hate these faces.

    As for the TOS, I disagree wih you but respect that neither one of us is "right" its an opinion, mine is deferent then yours.

    I guess I'm just old school in that point of veiw

    AKA... Sucking Up... Your superiors may enjoy the free lunch... your co-workers will resent you for it.
    Thats uncalled for, it's called being nice, we spent all day or a long time (most of the time) in one room, it would be nice to get a bite to eat and chance of scene

    and no my superiors dont go with me as thats not prouper, its my coworkers i take

    Did you happen to notice that you're the only one arguing? The rest of us are engaged in a real conversation.
    Care to exspalin how?
    I was talking in real convsationg about how I feel about the mods and cheep posting.
    Last edited by Shawn Belcher; 09-22-2011 at 12:15 AM.
    English is my first language, I'm just not any good at typing\writing it, I can read and speak it just fine.

  3. #33
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher View Post
    The auto locking thing was me being to lazy just to get that one segment by it self
    Oh man I hate these faces.

    As for the TOS, I disagree wih you but respect that neither one of us is "right" its an opinion, mine is deferent then yours.

    I guess I'm just old school in that point of veiw

    Thats uncalled for, it's called being nice, we spent all day or a long time (most of the time) in one room, it would be nice to get a bite to eat and chance of scene

    and no my superiors dont go with me as thats not prouper, its my coworkers i take

    Care to exspalin how?
    I was talking in real convsationg about how I feel about the mods and cheep posting.
    Quote Originally Posted by laserlight, a REAL mod, being polite, and not Shawn
    Grr... must we argue about arguing in this thread? I may have a fancy for C++ template metaprogramming, but this is too much.
    Kindly be quiet Shawn, as you may have had an opinion, expressed it, and have no other reason to be here except in a quest for your come uppance. I'm saying this for your own benefit and I am doing it as nice as I can.

    I want to amend my earlier comment. I also think you should have lurked more before intruding on a discussion on the rules to remind us what the rules are. See, lurking (reading instead of posting) teaches a lot of things. It teaches you about people, knowing what to exoect from individuals. It also teaches you about the community, what they take seriously, and importantly, how they police themselves. Because rules have am unwritten context that usually only old members need to understand and new people don't have to worry about violating.

    There was a time on the internet when I was little, when people understood to lurk. I guess I am old fashioned in that point of view.

    Now back to the thread, yes? No apologies necessary.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher View Post
    Care to exspalin how?
    I was talking in real convsationg about how I feel about the mods and cheep posting.
    Yes, we were all having a discussion but then you say something along the lines of:

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher View Post
    Before someone says it I'm repsonding to this guy to tell him the same thing, I fidn its only A. polite and B. tends to have more chance of them reading it.
    And now I shall leave this, we disagre and thats fine, if you make a point that i think is woth talkign about I will be back. but I do want to oint out, I'm not saying "No fun ever" I'm sayign there is a line form jokes to just pointless posting on someones thread.
    Which sounds like you are trying to have an argument. However, I see what you are saying, just understand there isn't anything personal here. Now for your counterpoint to my statement:

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher View Post
    A. someon dose pays for it, and even if its not my money i don't want to cost someone more $$ then they need
    Do you click on the adds or have you submitted a donation? If not, then you don't really care.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher View Post
    B. cheep post are aginst the rules
    They are not against the intention of the TOS as I see it now. We could always ask for clarification, however this isn't nuclear engineering; things don't need to be in black and white.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher View Post
    C. I agree that forums can be boring SOME joking is aloud but not to the amount that I've seen sometimes
    heck I'll joke with you guys evrey now and then, it happens but when it engulfs the thread would it not just be best making a new thread? or take it to VM or PM (if its only two pepole)

    No, to me cheep posting is wrong not because of the post count but because it dose not add anything, you can be funny and add things
    Also again some jokes are fine but after the 8th joke or so form them it starts to really just be nothing but cheep.
    And how exactly to you counter my point of showing the visitor a dynamic and active board with a thriving community? I do not think you have, as I think that seeing jokes and conversations on threads demonstrates to the visitor how great this place is and in fact brings more traffic in. This board has a long history and I think part of the reason it is still alive is due to this joking around and off topic discussions that everyone can see.
    Quote Originally Posted by anduril462 View Post
    Now, please, for the love of all things good and holy, think about what you're doing! Don't just run around willy-nilly, coding like a drunk two-year-old....
    Quote Originally Posted by quzah View Post
    ..... Just don't be surprised when I say you aren't using standard C anymore, and as such,are off in your own little universe that I will completely disregard.
    Warning: Some or all of my posted code may be non-standard and as such should not be used and in no case looked at.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by AndrewHunter View Post
    This board has a long history and I think part of the reason it is still alive is due to this joking around and off topic discussions that everyone can see.
    Naaa... it's the cheap booze and easy women...

  6. #36
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    ]Yes, we were all having a discussion but then you say something along the lines of:

    Which sounds like you are trying to have an argument. However, I see what you are saying, just understand there isn't anything personal here. Now for your counterpoint to my statement:
    some one said why must we "Argue" about this and to me that meant argument

    Do you click on the adds or have you submitted a donation? If not, then you don't really care.
    Do you give charity to kids in Africa? then you don't care.
    obviously thats not the case, Its like if you turn on a tv at a friends house, if you don't pay for it dose that mean you don't care?

    Quote Originally Posted by quzah View Post
    It physically pains me to read your posts.Yeah, we call that General Discussions, and if you'll notice, you are there. As was the last thread you started trying to rule over. Now do that thing that has been suggested to you so many times, and give it a rest. Because if you really want me to jump back in here, you will lose.

    Care to show me any rule that says its okay to go off topic in GD?
    its for topic not related to programing not going off topic
    what i mean by off topic like this
    "Hey guys going to work today how are you?"
    "Pakers are going to win!"
    //quzah witty joke
    this is not allowed in GD as far as I'm aware.

    Also I am not looking to "win" any fights or debates, if you look I'm talking to those who qoute me, dont want to hear it dont qoute me

    its okay if you guys post your ophions on the mods but when I try to defend them I'm wrong?
    and should stop?
    You can go 8 pages talking about things but I cant even have 1 and maybe a half?

    They are not against the intention of the TOS as I see it now. We could always ask for clarification, however this isn't nuclear engineering; things don't need to be in black and white.
    As I've said I dont agree with you on that.
    And I'm not saying they should be balck and white, I would not mind a joke or two, but the point its at now and points it gets to

    And how exactly to you counter my point of showing the visitor a dynamic and active board with a thriving community? I do not think you have, as I think that seeing jokes and conversations on threads demonstrates to the visitor how great this place is and in fact brings more traffic in. This board has a long history and I think part of the reason it is still alive is due to this joking around and off topic discussions that everyone can see.
    Have an off topic thread\forum, it bring in lots more of pepole and they tend to stay longer, many of my forums have this
    I have no problem with some joking for the very reason you said, how ever my point is I think many times its taken to far
    Last edited by Shawn Belcher; 09-22-2011 at 01:00 AM.
    English is my first language, I'm just not any good at typing\writing it, I can read and speak it just fine.

  7. #37
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    It physically pains me to read your posts.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher View Post
    Have an off topic thread\forum
    Yeah, we call that General Discussions, and if you'll notice, you are there. As was the last thread you started trying to rule over. Now do that thing that has been suggested to you so many times, and give it a rest. Because if you really want me to jump back in here, you will lose.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  8. #38
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    Kindly be quiet Shawn, as you may have had an opinion, expressed it, and have no other reason to be here except in a quest for your come uppance. I'm saying this for your own benefit and I am doing it as nice as I can.
    Me and another guy are talkign about our defreint ophions, thats my reason

    I want to amend my earlier comment. I also think you should have lurked more before intruding on a discussion on the rules to remind us what the rules are.
    I did lurk for a while, in fact I've been on this site for a good while.

    See, lurking (reading instead of posting) teaches a lot of things. It teaches you about people, knowing what to exoect from individuals. It also teaches you about the community, what they take seriously, and importantly, how they police themselves. Because rules have am unwritten context that usually only old members need to understand and new people don't have to worry about violating.
    And I can see the mods (who are in charge) don't think what you guys are doing is "ok" like you do

    There was a time on the internet when I was little, when people understood to lurk. I guess I am old fashioned in that point of view.
    Seeing as how you assumee about me perhaps you should of "lurked" when it came to me and got to know me more before you said anything as I did lurk
    Now back to the thread, yes? No apologies necessary
    Nor do you owe me one, you did nothing wrong, I did nothing wrong.

    Yeah, we call that General Discussions, and if you'll notice, you are there.
    where is the rule that says you can be off topic in GD? its only for TOPICS that are not programing, its not for offtopicness like you guys are talking about.
    As was the last thread you started trying to rule over.
    I only talked for maybe 3-4 oages and you went 9 and I'm trying to rule over?
    Now do that thing that has been suggested to you so many times, and give it a rest.
    if you look you see me and one guy are having a nice conversation about what the rules mean.

    Because if you really want me to jump back in here, you will lose.
    Its not about winning or losing, i have no doubt you will jump in here and keep fighting in till names get called, not saying who will call who what, but if a talk goes on long enough its bound to happen, so no even if you jump in I wont auger with you about this.
    it would do neither of us any good nor this thread.


    Last edited by Shawn Belcher; 09-22-2011 at 01:06 AM.
    English is my first language, I'm just not any good at typing\writing it, I can read and speak it just fine.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommonTater View Post
    Naaa... it's the cheap booze and easy women...
    Don't talk about Prelude like that...geeze.

    Quote Originally Posted by quzah View Post
    It physically pains me to read your posts.Yeah, we call that General Discussions, and if you'll notice, you are there. As was the last thread you started trying to rule over. Now do that thing that has been suggested to you so many times, and give it a rest. Because if you really want me to jump back in here, you will lose.

    quzah, play nice. This thread has been fun so far.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher View Post
    Shawn, if you had been lurking you would realize you are not getting ahead here. When Whiteflags ,of all people, tells you it is time to cool it, it may be time to step away from a conversation. You clearly are not familiar with the board dynamic.
    Quote Originally Posted by anduril462 View Post
    Now, please, for the love of all things good and holy, think about what you're doing! Don't just run around willy-nilly, coding like a drunk two-year-old....
    Quote Originally Posted by quzah View Post
    ..... Just don't be surprised when I say you aren't using standard C anymore, and as such,are off in your own little universe that I will completely disregard.
    Warning: Some or all of my posted code may be non-standard and as such should not be used and in no case looked at.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher View Post
    its okay if you guys post your ophions on the mods but when I try to defend them I'm wrong?
    Don't be an idiot!

    We are trying to talk TO the mods about a genuine concern and all we hear is you sucking up to them like some deranged calf looking for teat.

    It is neither your place nor your RIGHT to respond on their behalf and for a certainty, you are not in charge of anything.

    They are perfectly able to respond on their own...

    So STFU and let us have our conversation.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by quzah View Post
    It physically pains me to read your posts.Yeah, we call that General Discussions, and if you'll notice, you are there. As was the last thread you started trying to rule over. Now do that thing that has been suggested to you so many times, and give it a rest. Because if you really want me to jump back in here, you will lose.
    Top right corner of the page... Settings -> Edit Ignore List -> Shawn Belcher -> Ok.

    The relief was immediate.

  12. #42
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    I'll be honest here, I don't care who is in power with the the board dynamic. i know
    A. the mods are closing threads with jokes in them
    B. the rules say that they can
    C. we all signed an agreement that says we will follow the rules, now you can say its not what the rules mean and fine you can belie that, its your right

    Give me one good reason why I cant post something someone else dose not like when the other person dose it.
    I'm not going to be not able to speak my mind just cause I'm new, thats high school stuff, and before you say it, how many have said im trying "rule" the site and mention my time on the site when telling me to stop?
    telling me to e here longer then come back?

    But if your done talking about the rules then fine I shall stop (as there is nothing else to add to this thread)
    English is my first language, I'm just not any good at typing\writing it, I can read and speak it just fine.

  13. #43
    ATH0 quzah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CommonTater View Post
    Top right corner of the page... Settings -> Edit Ignore List -> Shawn Belcher -> Ok.

    The relief was immediate.
    I almost did this a couple of days back on the C board. I should have then, and saved myself the trouble having to read that abuse of the English language.

    Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

  14. #44
    C++ Witch laserlight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher
    Nor do you owe me one, you did nothing wrong, I did nothing wrong.
    That's good. This really feels like "much ado about nothing" now.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn Belcher
    where is the rule that says you can be off topic in GD? its only for TOPICS that are not programing, its not for offtopicness like you guys are talking about.
    I can see where quzah is coming from: the theme of this entire message board is computer programming, especially in C and C++. Hence, a forum that is about things other than programming is "off topic". The Tech Board is another such forum, though it sometimes includes programming topics that do not fall under any existing forum specific to the programming language.

    From another point of view, a "off topic" forum is not very useful because the only topics that may be posted there must be off topic, but once the topic is posted, it is no longer off topic and hence must be moved.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjarne Stroustrup (2000-10-14)
    I get maybe two dozen requests for help with some sort of programming or design problem every day. Most have more sense than to send me hundreds of lines of code. If they do, I ask them to find the smallest example that exhibits the problem and send me that. Mostly, they then find the error themselves. "Finding the smallest program that demonstrates the error" is a powerful debugging tool.
    Look up a C++ Reference and learn How To Ask Questions The Smart Way

  15. #45
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    Don't be an idiot!
    once agian an insult to a user aginst the rules.
    you wonder why threada are closed?

    We are trying to talk TO the mods about a genuine concern and all we hear is you sucking up to them like some deranged calf looking for teat.
    Ever think I just agree with them?

    It is neither your place nor your RIGHT to respond on their behalf and for a certainty, you are not in charge of anything.
    I'm not responding on theirs, I'm saying what I feel as you are saying what you feel

    They are perfectly able to respond on their own...
    As am I which is what I am doing, and they are also perfectly able to say why they closed a thread instead of you guys thinking "no its not that"

    So STFU and let us have our conversation.
    this defently violates the rules right here. and no telling me that dose not bug me, but its still against the rules, this is what I'm talking about you break the rules and then get mad when the mods stop it.
    why cant I be in the conversation?
    becuse Im not a mod and I agree with them?
    English is my first language, I'm just not any good at typing\writing it, I can read and speak it just fine.

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