I was just reading a wiki article, and to my disappointment, the answer to a question I've been wondering about for a while (how do you properly case titles?) has no definite answer.
But it kinda put me in the mood for a pointless poll
So, how do you generally case titles?

#3 myself. No real reason, just do (seems the most natural to me).

The Vitamins Are In My Fresh California Raisins

"Start case" — capitalization of all words, regardless of the part of speech

The Vitamins Are in My Fresh California Raisins

Capitalization of all words, except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions

The Vitamins are in My Fresh California Raisins

Capitalization of all words, except for articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and forms of to be

The Vitamins are in my Fresh California Raisins

Capitalization of all words, except for closed-class words

The Vitamins are in my fresh California Raisins

Capitalization of all nouns

The vitamins are in my fresh California raisins

Sentence case – Capitalization of only the first word, proper nouns and as dictated by other specific English rules