According to the FAQ Intro page, Hammer maintains the FAQ articles, but his account hasn't been active since '07. As a matter of fact, apart from one article two years ago, there hasn't been a FAQ article written in over 6 years. Who handles this now?

There were a few things last week that hit me as topics that should have a FAQ entry (stuff I've answered several times since I've been here). So I started working on a few FAQ articles over the weekend, and was wondering what to do with them. Numbers 2 and 3 are the ones I thought needed to be written, then I found number 1 on the "to do" list:
  1. Working with multiple source files (from the old "to do" list)
  2. Explanation of extern and static
  3. How to compile and use a shared library (Linux/gcc)

Is there much interest out there in adding to the FAQ (AndrewHunter, I'm looking at you: gcc saying --------->undefined reference to sqrt)? If anybody has any other, ideas for FAQ articles, perhaps you could post them or even start writing them.

I suppose the same goes for the tutorial section