Quote Originally Posted by Elysia View Post
You are a typical user creating headaches for developers.
Oh, a new version (or new feature/software). But I don't see what does it does for me, so I'm just going to skip it.
What the...? But since when I'm obliged to follow every developer whim? I didn't sign an obligation contract with anyone from whom I purchased or adopted software from. I've been using the same Take Command v. 7.01 since 2005. I never upgrade, and never will. It serves my purpose and I don't agree with any of the "new features" introduced in later versions. I never upgraded to AVG 8.0 until I moved to Avast and then Microsoft Security Essentials more than an year later, because they turned a perfectly fine anti-virus into a piece of crap.

What do I care if that poses problems to software developers? It's up to software developers (a group I belong to) to suck it up and try to do better software instead of forcing their users into this collaboration BS that just wants to turns users into freebie test subjects. The software on my machine... I use it to be productive. Not to cover the arse of some development team that can't be bothered to test before releasing, or some software development model that puts 75% of the testing process on the hands of their users.

If it works... you'll bet I'll think carefully before upgrading. Sue me.