Quote Originally Posted by Mario F. View Post
Why would you want to see his dead body? Isn't it enough that the celebrations in New York made the whole country look exactly like some fundamentalist arab country celebrating the destruction of their satanic enemy? Complete with pictures burning, raised fists, children holding posters and Obama shouting "God Bless America"? Why add a morbid desire for pictures of dead enemies, when most of us couldn't ever tell if the corpse we are seeing is the person we are being told? I had enough of that idiocy with Saddam Hussein.

I'm just glad this arsehole is gone. But definitely not thrilled about the idea of seeing his dead body. I could already barely stand him alive.
I would hardly call those celebratory acts barbaric if even distasteful considering the circumstances when we do it or when "some fundamentalist arab country" does it. We're talking about a man that directly affected the livelyhood of those celebrating in New York. The same goes for the people who protest and celebrate in the Middle East...

No no... when I think barbaric, I think of the President of Iran holding an event in which he throws a stone at Israel. I think about the national sport of Afganistan being a full-contact horse riding sport in which the knock around and score points with the carcass of a goat instead of, you know, a ball or something.

There are plenty of arguments as to why the middle east could be somewhat barbaric compared to the western world, but I never really found any of the nonsense you see the common people do in protests and celebrations to be overly barbaric simply because of the fact that I understood that we and any "civilized" nation would do the same thing in those circumstances.

Anyway, what i do agree with in your remarks is that I have no interest in seeing the body of Osama simply because, as you said, I'd really have no way of knowing if it really was him or just some guy that I believe looks like him. If the scientists want to tell me that they saw him and proved it was him prior to the burial then that's as much as I need to see or hear.