Happen's ALL the flippn' time to me. Is it just me, or is this something that happens to all guys?

It makes me feel stupid, because she is SURE she said it. Happened two times in the past 3 hours

1. She calls on her cell phone, talking a million miles per hour about how she's at a sports complex and needs me to pick her up. When I finally get a word in edge wise, I ask her if she needs me to come now, or later, to which she responds "I just told you: As soon as possible!"

2. We get home, and she says that she'll cook dinner while I take a shower. Sounds good to me. "Do you care what I make?", she said. "No" I responded. Had a nice, hot shower. I come out and ask what she made. She looks at me odd, and asks me to think. OK...I"m thinking she wants me to guess, so I shoot off a few meals I know we have in the fridge. After a couple wrong attempts, she says, "I already told you before you went in the shower: Noodles and chicken and cheese."

"No, honey, ....I didn't hear you say that..."

Am I alone here?