This is a rather touchy subject, especially for those in the US I presume, but I was wondering how is it going in Europe and is the degree still worth it?
I was looking at the prospect for internship next year, and some say they were able to find something, most say it is crap and recent graduates are making/have made a mistake.
Now considering the recent climate it is understandable less jobs and all.
But what if the economy picks up? Would the IT economy brighten up?
Anyways, i love programming (even though I am still slow at it, sadly ) and would think it a shame if I can't do what I like in future.
But I was thinking, what are the end jobs you can get as a Computer Scientist?
there is Web which i can do but don't really like because of the graphical part of it, games is interesting but I suck at maths, the only think I can see is developing software or apps.
But as you can see all this are the programming aspects.
I can only list Software Engineering and Computer Forensics. I would like to do Computer Forensics but not sure if there is much going for it, and no stream is available as far as I know for that.
What other aspects of Computer Science is there?
and nothing with Business included.

thank you

I didn't know what board to put this in, as I visit the C++ regularly I figured here.