You, personally.

Me personally, I think I was born in the wrong point in history for computers. A couple of years ago I was an English major and that was my path. I somehow got to tinkering around with my wife's old palm pilot (m100) and seeing how much you could get squeeze out of that tiny 2mb device, and that snowballed into my fullblown journey towards a computing career.

Along the way, I've satisfied my newfound techno-lust with documentaries and reading, and nothing quite does it for me like the scene from late 70's to 90's where you had this resourceful people hacking away, ingeniously unlocking the potential of hardware that would be infantile by today's standards. C, of course, is kind iconic of that era where resourcefulness and fine detail work was not optional. I think I'm nolstalgic for that kind of experience, not to mention that someday I do plan to make some c-based programs to toy with on my ancient palm someday.

Others? Is it purely a hobby? Is it part of your work? Just fascinated like me?