Dear Steve (may I call you Stevie?),

your phone is cool. And partially useful. I can make calls and surf the net to find out what that stuff on my pizza actually is before ordering it and before looking like an idiot for asking the waiter. I like it. It shines, it has power, it's the sports car of computers.

But Stevie, have you had a look at the size of the thing... err... price of the thing? It's huge. It's not a moon, it's a whole fscking space station! The only retailer in Germany wants ~550$ for the phone if (and only if) you pay ~70$ monthly fees for 24 months straight. That's about 2.000$. For a freaking phone with an internet flatrate. I can get the same internet flatrate fixed at my home for 15$/month, which would leave about 1600$ for the biggest, baddest gaming machine I ever owned. Or I could pay 5$ a month and 50$ for a new phone that can just make calls and play mp3s and spend the other 1800$ on something worthwhile. Like a used car. Or a badass TV. Or anything else, that is not just a phone, "i" or not.

My PC might be a truck. But then, it didn't cost a fortune like sport cars do. Should I ever have "too much money", I will buy a real sports car. Not a phone.

Best regards
Your Ex-Future-Customer that had a look at the price...