Cntua this is very confusing without details. I mean, I construe most of what you are talking about to mean stuff that already exists, or stuff that already happens, in our current economy and government.

The owner(s) of a company are the people who control all the equity and would be responsible for the businesses losses during operation and when the business dissolves. Employees and owners are paid out of the gross income. Economics takes care of who can own a bigger house or car, and individuals own their personal property.

I guess where you want to make the most changes is how to file to start a business, and so forth. But economics also takes care of what businesses thrive and fail. If you cannot get investors and have poor starting capital, you probably won't survive the competition unless you hit the ground running.

And there are egalitarian motives exercised by governments so people don't get "too rich" off money making more money, (the capital gains tax) and ways to take care of people when they are too old, (social security) so I just want details....