Thread: Scientists create artificial life

  1. #166
    Registered User C_ntua's Avatar
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    MK27, as I said to another topic, I don't believe in a universal good or evil. In that sense I don't believe that there is a correct answer to the question what is good. Even if you give me the most evil act on earth, I will still not say that I believe that is evil, except in the sense that "that is evil for me". Implying that I as long as I am not doing it, there is not sense of being evil. As long as I am not killing somebody in cold blood, I don't really label it as evil, even if I call it that.
    Practically, there might not be a difference on our point of views. If we still see something we consider evil we will still oppose it. If I say "that is evil" or "that is evil for me" makes a little difference on my actions. So you might agree that a murderer should go to jail because he did something evil, thus he has to be judged, I would say that the murderer has to go to jail because he cannot function in society. I won't feel that "justice" was served or that this is a sort of "punishment".

    The reason of my belief has to do nothing with religion though. It just makes more sense to me, that is all. Most religious persons I have met, agree with you. That there is a universal good and evil. Even if they believe God is the one that decides what is good and evil. Believing in a universal good and evil is a positive think for me, even if I don't believe so. I won't tell my child "do you think stealing the cookie is a good thing? How do you feel about it", I will simply say "stealing the cookie is bad". Still, as said, if you truly believe something, you believe it, even though it might not serve you or the society.

    Saying that "no one really believes that good and evil is subjective" you are saying that I don't really believe what I do. After everything I said that is the conclusion you have? I am sharing ideas I have thought, overly thought and overly questioned and doubted. What else could I have done on your opinion to find what I truly believe?

    There is not always one correct answer in math. There can be two or infinite number on ones.

    Saying that nobody really believes in God is a 100% wrong. To prove this, tell me anyone that has proven their belief in anything more than a person has proven his belief in his God. Doesn't matter if the believe is right or wrong. There are so many examples that can prove you wrong. I am truly suprised that you would think otherwise.

  2. #167
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_atun
    Saying that "no one really believes that good and evil is subjective" you are saying that I don't really believe what I do.
    YES SIR. I said that more than once already. People who claim a belief in God are LIARS. Once you cross this line you are the lowest form of politician, and subject to any and all forms of scrutiny and criticism such beings deserve and demand. Sorry dude -- you are the devil, even if you haven't recognized who is "possessed" here and who is not. If you think I'm gonna take you for "honest simple folk" guess again. You want to avoid the REAL ISSUE: Your Church has reigned more Evil upon the world than it could ever, ever, ever, make up for. That will NEVER END. As long as Christianity exists, it's net contribution to the world will be repression of the human spirit. It is OVER. Either give up or get a swastika tatoo on yer forehead, because if I get my way, you will all go down in history as a truly reprehensible bunch of m**fers. Or else we will all enjoy the APOCALYPSE. Which that topic has yet to be discussed, but it is a very very very very very very very very interesting one.

    I don't believe in a universal good or evil. In that sense I don't believe that there is a correct answer to the question what is good. Even if you give me the most evil act on earth, I will still not say that I believe that is evil, except in the sense that "that is evil for me".
    I'll just leave that, as is, an explicit admission from a self described God fearing Christian.

    Most religious persons I have met, agree with you. That there is a universal good and evil. Even if they believe God is the one that decides what is good and evil.
    Oh I know that very well! And I PROMISE YOU THAT IN THE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE, ALL THESE PEOPLE HAVE DONE IS MIMIC AND PERVERT THE REAL TRUTH* EXPRESSED BY OTHERS. They are "demons" and their goal is the art of mockery and perversion. The sooner you realize this, the better off you will be. Religion is the opposite of wisdom. Religion is a orgy of ignorance.

    Believing in a universal good and evil is a positive think for me, even if I don't believe so. I won't tell my child "do you think stealing the cookie is a good thing? How do you feel about it", I will simply say "stealing the cookie is bad".
    Yeah, well, your relationship to your children is perhaps it's own even more warped thing. xP xP I'll let Gary Larson sum up...

    * OMG!! Imagine: Real Truth -- that ought to be banned.
    Last edited by MK27; 05-25-2010 at 08:25 PM.
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  3. #168
    Registered User C_ntua's Avatar
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    Yes, but it also has done some g... oh wait, you gave no facts to prove your opinion of the evilness of the church.

  4. #169
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_ntua View Post
    Yes, but it also has done some g... oh wait, you gave no facts to prove your opinion of the evilness of the church.
    If I have to start listing the (indisputable and well documented) grotesque OPENLY EVIL injustices perpetrated by Christianity upon the people of the Earth, I really would be putting the Nazis to shame.

    Yesterday, tomorrow, today -- it is all the same. Christianity has NEVER CEASED in it's unrelenting pursuit of maliciousness, and the most foul and despicable forms of behavior EVER dreamt up and realized by any member of the species EVER. There are no depths to which Christianity cannot sink. And as far as I can tell, in the present day there are very few "heights" to which they even dare aspire. Christians DO NOT EVEN CARE ANYMORE how foul, grotesque, Machiavellian, EVIL, hypocritical -- again, the VERY WORST OF CONTEMPORARY HUMANITY -- they appear to be.
    Last edited by MK27; 05-26-2010 at 12:00 AM.
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  5. #170
    C++ Witch laserlight's Avatar
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    I have been avoiding this thread for days in order to avoid the urge to waste my time on an argument that is pointless in the context of an online forum. If I have to start listing the (indisputable and well documented) grotesque OPENLY EVIL off topic posts perpetrated by the participants of this thread upon the people of this forum, I really would be putting the rickrollers to shame.

    Quote Originally Posted by MK27
    Yesterday, tomorrow, today -- it is all the same. Christianity has NEVER CEASED in it's unrelenting pursuit of maliciousness, and the most foul and despicable forms of behavior EVER dreamt up and realized by any member of the species EVER. There are no depths to which Christianity cannot sink. And as far as I can tell, in the present day there are very few "heights" to which they even dare aspire. Christians DO NOT EVEN CARE ANYMORE how foul, grotesque, Machiavellian, EVIL, hypocritical -- again, the VERY WORST OF CONTEMPORARY HUMANITY -- they appear to be.
    I am now requesting a close of this thread. Alternatively, I request that MK27 be banned for trolling. (Since MK27 asked: no, this is meant to point out that it is well known that these kinds of topics tend to make otherwise well behaved users get so agitated that they begin to say things that they otherwise would not say.)
    Last edited by laserlight; 05-26-2010 at 01:09 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bjarne Stroustrup (2000-10-14)
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  6. #171
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    this is just new achievement . we are now able to modify our DNA structure to embed better qualities to human. research are done on some animals successfully.
    so there is no any destruction of man kind or any other spices is happen with this all research,
    because soon we are capable of manufacturing them to export to nature.
    we are not becoming god kind of thing because as we are create new spices, nature will create new competitor for them! or it will compete with us.
    so i think we are fighting with our selfs and our inventions not with god.

  7. #172
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    9,607 now requesting a close of this thread. Alternatively, I request that MK27 be banned for trolling.
    Agreed. Many attempts were made to steer this one back on course. Unfortunately none of those attempts worked.


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