Thread: Must be final project time again....

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  1. #1
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    Must be final project time again....

    I've noticed a lot of posts recently asking for what amounts to handouts of source code for this or that project.

    Then I looked at the calendar and realized it is May and school will be letting out for summer I guess these posts are from poor, desperate students who goofed off the entire semester and/or didn't listen to a thing and now all of a sudden need to pass the class.

    I, for one, will be ignoring these posts.

  2. #2
    Registered User jdragyn's Avatar
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    I was going to suggest having a contest where we vote on the most pathetic request, but then I realized that it doesn't get much more pathetic than "Heres my assignment, I can has codez pls?" and there are already a few of those.

    I was going to suggest an obfuscated answer as the prize to the winning post, something that performs as intended but would quite obviously be way beyond the skill of the poster, if the instructor could figure out how the program works...
    C+/- programmer extraordinaire

  3. #3
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdragyn View Post
    I was going to suggest an obfuscated answer as the prize to the winning post,
    Yeah dude now that would be so cool!!!

    Who cares -- y'all should give up programming and do what you really wanna do, police academy.

    I finished with 3.7 GPA and never goofed off, but I never felt any animosity toward people who did poorly, whether it was their own fault or not. Pretty sure your bizarre sense of impropriety here is even more juvenile than the "problem" it seeks to "redress".
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  4. #4
    ... kermit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MK27 View Post
    Yeah dude now that would be so cool!!!

    Who cares -- y'all should give up programming and do what you really wanna do, police academy.

    I finished with 3.7 GPA and never goofed off, but I never felt any animosity toward people who did poorly, whether it was their own fault or not. Pretty sure your bizarre sense of impropriety here is even more juvenile than the "problem" it seeks to "redress".

    Not sure I would agree that there is any impropriety here - after all, there are rules on this board, which are repeatedly ignored. So, just like in the real world, if you ignore the rules, bad things can (and often do) happen.

    I just don't care for lazy people that much. The thought of helping a lazy person pass his course so he can get his diploma, and then move into the workplace so he can ask a co-worker to essentially do his work for him, that thought, is repulsive to me. Just imagine the lazy guy on a team - how he sucks the other team mates down because he didn't do any work. You see them at school on group projects, and then they go into the workplace, having learned nothing about how to work, because there never was any consequence for laziness. To say I dislike this sort of thing would be an understatement.

  5. #5
    spurious conceit MK27's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kermit View Post
    I just don't care for lazy people that much. The thought of helping a lazy person pass his course so he can get his diploma, and then move into the workplace so he can ask a co-worker to essentially do his work for him, that thought, is repulsive to me. Just imagine the lazy guy on a team - how he sucks the other team mates down because he didn't do any work.
    I have zero respect for capitalist economics and the perverse "work ethic" it uses to brainwash weak minded suckers, fools, and cowards so they can believe they are something other than weak minded suckers fools and cowards. Laziness is it's own reward and it's own punishment. Being all concerned about the situation of someone on the other end of a thread in this regard just sounds to me like a bunch of nattering little old church ladies trying to preach morality when they are almost certainly the biggest hypocrits in town. (All apologizes to the little old church ladies for stereotyping, some of them are quite nice )

    WRT to "doing homework", I wasn't suggesting that be cast aside or anything. And I do ignore posters according to my mood if they seem too disinterested in making an effort themselves.

    But I would not waste time persecuting them either. Whatever turns you on I guess
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  6. #6
    ... kermit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MK27 View Post
    I have zero respect for capitalist economics and the perverse "work ethic" it uses to brainwash weak minded suckers, fools, and cowards so they can believe they are something other than weak minded suckers fools and cowards. Laziness is it's own reward and it's own punishment. Being all concerned about the situation of someone on the other end of a thread in this regard just sounds to me like a bunch of nattering little old church ladies trying to preach morality when they are almost certainly the biggest hypocrits in town. (All apologizes to the little old church ladies for stereotyping, some of them are quite nice )

    WRT to "doing homework", I wasn't suggesting that be cast aside or anything. And I do ignore posters according to my mood if they seem too disinterested in making an effort themselves.

    But I would not waste time persecuting them either. Whatever turns you on I guess
    I was not talking about capitalist economics, but thanks for the acid trip..

    I find it ironic that you would peg me as a hypocrite, when you know little, (if anything) other than what I have said here, about my work ethic. At any rate, your arguments did nothing to change my opinion of lazy people, but I will take a page from your book and not waste my time discussing this matter any further.

  7. #7
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    It's not animosity for people slacking off. That's their choice.

    It's the fact that they are asking us to do their work.

    Imagine a classmate asking you several times a semester to code his project. After several times of him asking you. You are going to be pretty frustrated with them.

  8. #8
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    Maybe a better approach would be to yell at the people who help the lazy people.

  9. #9
    Registered User VirtualAce's Avatar
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    It seems to me that many of these "problem students" could be people with genuine problems, conscious or unconscious, and that only someone who has lived an easy, untroubled, privileged life would jump to some other conclusion.*
    I must confess I have no idea where you are going with this. It is a simple matter of we do not do homework for people and we do not dole out source code for anyone who has not shown some effort. You don't create posts that both violate the forum guidelines and are presumptious, rude, and ask everyone else to do your own work unless you are lazy and just want spoon fed answers.

    We help thousands of legit students on here everyday and I say legit as in they put forth some effort and actually have done some work towards solving their particular problem. Solving a problem for someone that has no interest in the actual problem solving process and/or learning from it helps no one. Not sure where the answers you came up with relating to privileged people fit into the discussion or how it relates in anyway to helping out lazy individuals that I hope and pray do not land on my dev team some time in the future. In fact you seem to have a hang up or a pet peeve about this issue and it is my estimation that is clouding your assesment of the matter. Often I find people with such hangups usually make every issue somehow relate to that one hang-up or pet peeve that they have. This discussion is not about the privileged or the unprivileged or anything of the sort. Plain and simple it is about showing some effort. In fact you are making some broad assumptions about those posting in this thread that quite honestly are not fair given you do not know any of us well enough to come to any conclusions about our character or who we are.

    So, in short when you have done some work and are geniuinely interested in learning you don't create the types of posts we are discussing in this thread. This forum is full of helpful members and I take offense at your claims to the contrary.
    Last edited by VirtualAce; 05-18-2010 at 09:40 PM.

  10. #10
    Registered User jeffcobb's Avatar
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    I gotta think the thing about intentionally lying to the requester was just blowing off steam; most of us are in this game because of an underlying respect for truth which is the overall driving force behind all programming. This is just my perspective but I doubt any user on here would actually lie to the person begging for help and even if they did, Alex or someone would likely as not take it down. Yeah I have my sadistic side too and for a fleeting moment when I saw one of these lame-o requests for filling out their exam code I thought of the old Steve Martin routine about teaching a kid to talk wrong and then sending them to school. I snickered at the thought but that is as far as it went. I seriously doubt anyone would go further.

    Re: privileged: No I was not raised in a mud hut or tortured as a child but I did not have the money for college so I joined the army which taught me low-level electronics which lead to a love of software development back in the early 80's and everything I know about it now is either self-taught or invented on my own. That is what I meant by my own steam. Having your family tell you that you are only good for factory work and that I should not try to better myself didn't help. The point is that it took (and in many ways continues to take) a lot of extra effort that most of these kids in college could never contend with so when one comes along that basically says "I screwed off all semester and now I have to have a working B-tree by monday and I don't know what a function is.." I am not inclined to help them. To have thrown away a chance I never had and then wanting to take credit for work that I did burns my rice.
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  11. #11
    Lurking whiteflags's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MK27 View Post
    So, like I said earlier, I don't think there is a need to rush to judgement on people for the purpose of posting OBFUSCATED or INTENTIONALLY WRONG answers. I don't know if there is a policy against that, but there certainly should be.
    We already had an obfuscated code contest.

  12. #12
    Guest Sebastiani's Avatar
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    There's nothing wrong with being long as you don't expect someone else to do the work for you.

    What really irks me, though, are the ones that don't even know the very *basics* of the language, and yet they want you to help them design a compiler or something!

    void main()
    	char s="". // <- how i make compiler wit thiis?!!!

    Another thing I noticed (and I hope not to get flamed for this) is that the majority of these types of posts seem to be made by people from non-western countries. What's up with that, anyway?
    #include <cmath>
    #include <complex>
    bool euler_flip(bool value)
        return std::pow
            std::complex<float>(0, 1) 
            * std::complex<float>(std::atan(1.0)
            *(1 << (value + 2)))
        ).real() < 0;

  13. #13
    Registered User jeffcobb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sebastiani View Post
    There's nothing wrong with being long as you don't expect someone else to do the work for you.

    What really irks me, though, are the ones that don't even know the very *basics* of the language, and yet they want you to help them design a compiler or something!

    void main()
    	char s="". // <- how i make compiler wit thiis?!!!
    Yes like that dude who claimed to know C and wanted a system made for him to parse *any* graphics file for a blue pixel...and then could not even follow the basic directions for installing the library to do it. Made worse by the fact that before he did it we (myself and MK for sure) told him that such and such library was big and feature complete but will require a lot of learning on his part...and so he selects the hardest to use library, after stating he could not understand the instructions for installing it (it came with a visual C++ project; all he had to do was hit the build button)...he tells us to just give him the code to do it, the libraries were all too hard for him..

    I mean no matter how charitably you look at it, there is something seriously wrong with this picture. I was joking with MK about it, noting that most of these kinds of requests come from people with handles like Genius or KodeMasterOfTheUniverse or some such rot...
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  14. #14
    Officially An Architect brewbuck's Avatar
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    Let's not COMPLETELY terrify the newbs...
    	if (a) do { f( b); } while(1);
    	else   do { f(!b); } while(1);

  15. #15
    Registered User jeffcobb's Avatar
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    Having thought more about this (and considering the context of the past couple of days worth of msgs combined with issues plaguing students that I recall) I realized that *sometimes* students are not being lazy but just cannot figure out how to get started. Its like they are given the task of (say) mapping radio tower usage and really don't get the higher-level design part for it and so they come here asking for code. This is still wrong but I think if there was a thread they could post "How do I solve problem X" where X could be a simple data structure to a menu system to larger design problems, we who have solved these things before can give design/architecture hints, none of which involve source code; that would be left to the user. If this higher level of design wisdom was not of value, the whole concept of design patterns would have died out years ago...
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