Is there anyplace else in the world other than California and a few near-by areas that a (IMHO) very special cut of meat called a "tritip"? I know for a fact that anyplace east of the Mississippi river, it is largely unheard of. I wondered where else it is equally unknown...I was cooking up one of these beauties on the grill tonight for a treat for dinner and was being glad that I knew of the cut and knew how to prepare it. If you have not had this before, imagine the tenderest, most succulent and juicy steak you have ever had, done to perfection...only this is the size of a small roast. In my case I have developed a special Hawaiian teriyaki sauce I use to marinade and later baste the meat as it is grilling. When done, it has a sweet yet spicy crust on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside. I slice it up at a 45 degree angle into paper-thin slices. This stuff in the bomb.