Quote Originally Posted by Mario F.
Where the segregation happens is in the way this stance is conducted, the arguments used for it and the public speeches done against it.
Maybe from your observation, but in my observation there is the more personal segregation in how individual Christians react to homosexual persons. Some take the stance that homosexuals must be able to change sexual orientation, and thus pressure them to do so, even if for some it may really be a natural (as in biological) disposition. Homosexuals are then lumped in the same category as pedophiles, sex addicts, etc, "guilty unless proven innocent".

Quote Originally Posted by Mario F.
When one of the highest representatives of the catholic church, who sits on the same room as other cardinals and gets voted for pope, condemns the government decision to legalize gay marriages and speaks publicly about gay marriages destroying the values of the traditional marriage and leading our societies to an immoral end, they are in effect condemning the gay community to the sidelines of society as inferior or immoral beings who should not be treated like everyone else, even by the democratic institutions which were founded on principles of equality and tolerance.
If I were a Catholic bishop in your country, I would speak out to the media as well. As I noted earlier, the problem with not speaking out against a law to permit homosexual acts and same sex marriage is that it can then be construed as tacit approval of homosexuality. I would want to send a clear message to my flock, and such an occasion is a good opportunity to do so.

The "problem" really is in the stance itself, not (just) the way it is conducted. The Catholic Church regards homosexual acts as "intrinsically disordered", whether or not homosexual orientation is a matter of biology. So, while this representative you are complaining about probably does not believe that homosexual persons are inferior (and if he does he is on his own), he probably does believe that homosexual persons who practice homosexual acts are immoral, insofar as they persist in doing so.