Quote Originally Posted by whiteflags View Post
Rich Republican Catholics tend to do better on their SATs than the public school kids.
I must be the exception to that rule, or maybe I just got a public education back when it was still worth something. I hear a lot of talk about making schools better, and people throw money at the problem, but I never see class sizes going down or teacher count going up?

7-15 kids in a class is the optimal number, more than that and you are wasting money because you aren't getting the education for the dollar regardless of the fact you can cram more kids in. If the goal of public education were to educate, average class size would be 11 kids, but it isn't. The goal is to make consumers who are smart enough to buy the goods, but not smart enough to design them, because intelligent educated people seem to have a problem with being told what to do and what to buy.