Quote Originally Posted by abachler View Post
Well, i have to disagree there. I'm sick and tired of paying $60 for a game that sucks ass because you cant get honest reviews anymore and the company doesn't put out a demo. So I will generalyl play a pirated copy to see if its worth buying, then either buy it or delete it off my system. Hey if games were $5 or I was a millionaire, I'd be happy to just buy every POS that came out, btu they aren't and I'm not (yet).
More justification.

If you finish a pirated game, why would you want to then pay money for it? If you didn't like it, you'd still have played a game without paying a cent for it.

And by obtaining a pirated game, you endorse and perpetuate the pirating.

The game maker or book author create the product to earn a livelihood. If you obtain the product without paying the author their due compensation, then you are stealing. Just put yourself in the author's position.

Thieves blame doors being left open, hackers blame lack of security. You blame bad reviewers, blame the company for not putting out a demo. The culprit always blames someone else, but never accepts responsibility.